Tea Party fave Nikki Haley backs Romney

By USA Today Feed

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley endorsed Mitt Romney for president today, giving the GOP contender high-profile support from a Tea Party favorite in a key early state.

Haley, elected last year with help from the small-government movement, said on Fox News that Romney is “not part of the chaos” in Washington and has made key decisions as a governor and businessman that have created jobs.

“He knows what it means to make decisions-aareal decisions-aanot simply cast a vote,” she said.

Tea Party support is highly coveted in the presidential election, given the movement’s ability in the 2010 elections to sweep Republicans into office and demand focus on fiscal responsibility. Other GOP presidential hopefuls, notably Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry, have been aligned with the Tea Party for a long time.

Haley and Romney will campaign together over the weekend throughout South Carolina, which holds its primary on Jan. 21. Romney is about 20 points behind Newt Gingrich in South Carolina public opinion polls, but the outcome of the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary will no doubt help tighten the race in the Palmetto State.

Romney’s campaign also announced it would start advertising in South Carolina, using the “Leader” commercial that’s been running in Iowa and New Hampshire. In that spot, Romney highlights is “steadiness and constancy” in his marriage and his career.

To read more, visit:  http://tucsoncitizen.com/usa-today-news/2011/12/16/tea-party-fave-nikki-haley-backs-romney/

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21 Comments for “Tea Party fave Nikki Haley backs Romney”

  1. That’s a contradiction in terms. No Tea Party “fave” backs Romney.

  2. Was it Romney then who received the 7 million $ four years ago today from contemporary Tea Partiers????????

    Don’t think so!

  3. While it is fine for an alledged fave of the tea party to support Romney, I would suggest that it is not proper to tie the tea party with the support. Romney is one of the reasons I joined the tea party. TO DENY HIS TYPE OF POLITICS
    Quite frankly I support Ron Paul. If this endorsement is typical of the tea party movement I will withdraw my support for the party.

  4. Romney and the Tea Party are like oil and water. They don’t mix. Ron Paul started the Tea Party movement and is still the leader.

    These insiders will do anything to try and stop Dr. Paul.

  5. Evidence that the Tea Party has been totally co-opted by the Big GOP Criminals in DC. No salt, no light and no vision…it’s gone……..the entire movement has been nuetered (or Newted). The true and original Tea Party people are backing Ron Paul……, certainly not big corporate, big Gov, Rino hacks like Romney and Newt.

  6. The title of this article should read :

    Tea Party favorite betrays principles and backs BIG Government Romney !!

    pathetic. Ron Paul 20212 !!

  7. Now we know all we need to know about TP “fave” Nikki Haley – Judas Goat. And not a good one, either.

  8. I wonder how much this whore got paid

  9. edward smith jr

    Mitt Romney is one of the most qualified people to ever to run for the Presidency. He has a proven record of success. He is accomplished in the private sector, the public sector and with NGOs, He has mastered them all.

    He created thousands of jobs as a venture capitalist CEO of Bain Capital creating businesses such as Staples Office Supply, Sealy Mattress Company and, yes, Domino Pizza Chain. He was successful in rebuilding the 2002 Winter Olympics from a disaster of international financial corruption and drug abuse into a clean organization that attracted sponsors. The Olympics were a success that brought the Olympic Committee about $500 million in profits. He was successful in Massachusetts reducing the state’s unemployment rate from 5.6% to 4.5%, reducing the states $3 billion deficit and requiring people who could afford it to buy health insurance so they didn’t sponge off the state in Emergency rooms.

    No other candidate for President is as well qualified. Especially not Obama who had no record at all

    • Romney care = Obama care = socialist.
      Romney = war monger = attack Iran, start WWIII.
      Romney = More DHS, less freedom, less constitutional protection.
      Romney = Bankrupting this nation unnecessary defense spending.
      Romney = more war on drugs, war on poverty, war on education, war on terror, war on freedom, war on privacy, war on middle class, war, war ,war.
      Ron Paul is his exact opposite on these issues.

    • Did I see the word “Constitution” anywhere in your screed in reference of Mitt Romney? No? Golly, last time I visited Mr. Romeny’s website I did not see it there either…Hummm…Seeing as the President of the United States is elected based upon his (opr her) fitness to lead a Constitutional Republic (not a business) don’t you think that that might be relevent?

      Businesses are driven to gain revenue by profit and governments by taxation…I really do not see the value of the arguement that CEO’s automatically make good Presidents. I want a statesman who revers the Constitution and the principles upon which this nation was founded. Only one candidate accurately predicted our current economic crisis. Only one candidate continually spoke out, and voted against our failed foreign policy. Only one candidate has the necessary attributes to lead our country out of this mess…Ron Paul!

  10. This only means that She is now a Status Quo corrupt Politicians !
    She is NOT The TEA PARTY ! She was elected by the Tea Party !
    And she will now be Voted out by the Tea Party !

  11. Guess I didn’t really want to join the TEA Party after all.

  12. Ron Gray, I’m with you!!

  13. Give me a break. Romney is no tea party conservative. Opprortunistic politicians will hijack this movement if we are dumb enough to let them. Ron Paul is our guy.

  14. If Ron Paul doesn’t win the country is toast. We HAVE to replace all these turn coats that went into office under the Tea Party banner and have now drowned under the rino bullshit they get when in office. What the hell is the matter with these people? Can’t anyone stand up to these machines? Looks like Ron Paul is our only hope…

  15. typical politician, votes on “wind current” as opposed to principal… Well, she is the 4th most member to the Scott Brown club! Good riddance RHINO!

  16. I just don’t understand why the TP doesn’t realize that they’ve been hijacked by the neocons. Ron Paul’s campaign is conduction a TP Money Bomb this weekend and then you have this article. Talk about fractured, disorganized, segmented and misguided. Is it any wonder why the TP is ridiculed by the Left and disregarded by true Conservatives? There’s only one real TP in this race and it’s Dr. Ron Paul. If you don’t accept it, then disband your “organization” or find a new name. My preference is that you guys just go away!

  17. RON PAUL is who We the TEA party support !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. I am with you!


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