Tea Party Patriots to host call, straw poll with candidates

By Cameron Joseph, The Hill

The Tea Party Patriots will host a phone conference with the Republican presidential candidates on Dec. 18, which will be followed by an online straw poll, they announced Tuesday.

Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann have already confirmed they will attend, while Ron Paul has declined. The group, which claims 15 million members nationwide, touts itself as the largest grassroots Tea Party group in the country.

“This is a chance for candidates to make their case to the Tea Party, and for Americans across the country to find out who will represent and advance their principles in office,” said Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin. “Just as in 2010, candidates must prove to the Tea Party they will be fiscally responsible and protect the Constitution in the White House.”

To read more, visit: http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/gop-presidential-primary/199037-tea-party-patriots-to-host-call-straw-poll-with-candidates

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3 Comments for “Tea Party Patriots to host call, straw poll with candidates”

  1. Good for Ron Paul for finally being consistent in becoming mad as hell and not taking it anymore and telling those who have been constantly nasty and abusive and degrogatory towards him that he is not going to endulge with their pony shows anymore. Add to that his thrashing campaign ads of late and we have ourselves a real presidential image of a man.

    December 13, 2011/Tuesday

  2. Why do the candidates have to call in? Doesn’t anyone watch the debates? And besides, Ron Paul is the person who started the Tea Party. The Tea Party should know that he is the most conservative, the most honest, and the one who will restore American. He is for peace and will end these wars and bring our soldiers home. Last but not least, he is not bought and paid for by anyone. I know that Ron Paul has been endorsed by Tea Party members and I sure hope he wins this straw poll to keep the momentum growing.

  3. Any TEA Party that doesn’t trace its roots back to Dec 16, 2007 Ron Paul money bomb is NOT a true TEA Party group.

    Ron Paul is the intellectual leader of the TEA Party, always has been, always will be.


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