Ron Paul ties Newt Gingrich in latest Iowa PPP poll

From The State Column

Ron Paul (R-TX), a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, tied former House Speaker Newt Gingrich in the latest Public Policy Polling poll of Iowa GOP caucusgoers. Mr. Paul garnered 21 percent of the votes to pull even with Mr. Gingrich who earned 22 percent of the votes. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney took third place with 16 percent of the votes.

This is the first Iowa poll to show Mr. Paul in a statistical tie with Mr. Gingrich. Mr. Paul has finished in front of, even with or behind Mr. Romney, but has never tied with the Georgia businessman.

“Newt Gingrich’s momentum is fading in Iowa,” President of Public Policy Polling Dean Debnam said in a PPP press release. “Meanwhile Ron Paul is building an unusual coalition of support for a Republican primary. The big question is: will they really turn out?”

The Paul campaign is doing everything in its power to ensure that this “unusual coalition of support” will turn out for the Iowa GOP caucuses on January 3rd. The Paul campaign has organized a “Christmas Vacation with Ron Paul” program that will deploy 500 youth in Iowa to knock on doors and make phone calls for the Texas congressman.

The Paul campaign has also launched a $1 million ad buy in Iowa. The ad blitz features radio, TV and mail ads. Many of the ads focus on Mr. Paul’s chief rival in Iowa, Mr. Gingrich.

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17 Comments for “Ron Paul ties Newt Gingrich in latest Iowa PPP poll”

  1. Ron Paul should not be referred to as Mr. Paul. He is Dr. Paul. If you worked hard to become a top professional in your field, you’d like to be recognized for it aswel. Thank you.

    • Louise,

      You are correct. You are obviously one of the rare ones who must notice almost every time the media has done that to those they do not like and to those they do like. The title they put before the person is a subliminal way of coaxing the people to move the desired way. If you can find any of the George Bush/Bill Clinton campaigning back in 1992, you will see it used heavily then. President Bush was called Mr. Bush by the media while anything referred to during that time period of Ronald Reagan was always calliing him President Reagan, not even former President Reagan. This way they kept President Bush belittled out of his emcumbancy. It is a method used quite often.

      December 13, 2011/Tuesday

  2. The fact they call Dr. Paul tied with newt , means that he is actually in a comfortable lead…

  3. Now, if he could only get some of the Tea Party Caucus to support him!
    After all the Ron Paul people did in 2010 to help elect the Tea Party Candiates, thats the least they could.

  4. The Paul supporters are constantly finding imiginary slights to their candidate. Read the article above again, and you will see that Newt Gingrich is refered to as “Mr. Gingrich” several times just like “Mr. Paul.” Newt has an earned Ph.D. so each man could be refered to as Dr. if we wanted to use titles. Both have been members of congress, but only Newt was Speaker.

    This phoney nit-picking by the poor mistreated Paul zombies is growing VERY boring – give it a break. Please.

    • Dean

      Newt’s not a medical doctor though, that argument fails. Newt should be referred to as Former Speaker Gingrich or Mr. Newt Gingrich and Ron should be referred to as Congressman / Representative Paul or Dr. Ron Paul

      We won’t rest when the media doesn’t…

  5. Audit the fed, support HR 459 Paul

  6. Ron Paul is a modern-day founding father and I am proud and honored to support him.

  7. Dr. Ron Paul will be our next President once we get his message out to Americans. We are having a money bomb for him this Friday, the 16th. Please help us elect him by going to his website, He is the only candidate that can beat Obama per the polls out of all of the other candidates. Mitt’s biggest endorsement is Goldman Sachs, a bank/investment company that got bailed out by us the tax payers. They have given him several hundred thousand dollars. While we the people have been the only ones donating to Dr Paul. Every $5, $10, $20 etc. helps. Dr Paul is not bought. I heard that the lobbyist don’t even bother to go to his office, isnt that funny and great at the same time. Ron Paul 2012, The People’s President!

  8. Yes, Dr. Paul deserves our vote for many reasons. Predominately, he will turn America around to its roots, and hinder the facist regime from further damage. He is their nightmare, and we the people need to support him!

  9. We voted for Ron Paul (wrote him in) and will do it again in 2012. Hopefully, we will not have to write him in!! God Bless America!!

  10. Ron Paul is the doctor that will heal this nations economy…

  11. Ron Paul’s 2007 money bomb that was organized entirely by grass roots organizer Trevor Lyman and that broke the campaign fundraising record for greatest single day of fundraising, bringing in over $6MM in 24 hours was the birth of the Tea Party movement. That night thousands of meetup groups got together to celebrate the money bomb…. With the average donation that night just over $50 that’s a lot of people. Since then the mainstream GOP has fought hard to divert that momentum and take control of the Tea Party…. But this Friday is the anniversary of the Tea Party, and the Ron Paul Tea Party money bomb. Please donate what you can at!

  12. Ron Paul or none at all!

  13. As a tea party supporter, I love Dr. Paul EXCEPT on foreign policy. His isolationist ideas and belief that Iran,etc. mean us no harm scare the heck out of me. I know many, many other conservatives who don’t support him for that reason

    • Stop accusing him of being an isolationist because he is not. That’s what CNN, FOX & the mainstream media want you to believe. He has time and time again stated that he is not an isolationist – the policy or doctrine of isolating one’s country from the affairs of other nations by declining to enter into alliances, foreign economic commitments, international agreements, etc – that is not his position. He is just the opposite. He wants additional effort toward diplomacy, free trade and international agreements. What he doesn’t want is to continue the expansion of the so-called “empire” via militarism for various reasons but the primary one is MONEY – we simply can’t afford it and it diverts much needed money from paying down debt and taking care of our very own. That’s what TPers and everyone else who has not been listening to Dr. Paul but have been brainwashed to believe by the MEDIA what his position means. Come on already, it’s not difficult to understand and it’s not open to interpretation because he has said so himself. It’s sad that those who do not support Ron Paul believe that his supporters are “zombies” when it is those who oppose him because of their understanding – or lack thereof – of his position on foreign policy who have been BRAINWASHED by the neocon controlled MEDIA. Snap out of it and think for yourselves. It’s easy – just do your own darn research and stop sitting in front of the T.V. thinking your an intellect and thoroughly informed because you listen to Brett Baier read the “news” from a teleprompter. Dr. Ron Paul is The Tea Party, not the other way around!

      • One of the worst thing I head from a TPer recently on T.V. no less was that she loved Ron Paul but was afraid he wouldn’t win so she didn’t want to waste her vote. I have three letters for that: OMG


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