Jay-Z says President Obama can raise taxes as Congress debates over extending payroll-tax cut
Taxes Saturday, December 10th, 2011BY BRIAN BROWDIE, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Jay-Z has a message for President Obama: Read my lips– Raise my taxes.
The “Empire State of Mind” rapper says he’s fine with a higher bill, provided the money goes towards a good cause.
“I wouldn’t mind paying more taxes if it went to the things that really mattered,” Jay-Z told CNN. “If it went to education, to people in poverty, if it went to the right things, I wouldn’t mind.”
Jay-Z, who’s real name is Shawn Carter, indicated his support for a tax hike as the President and congressional Republicans duel over competing proposals for extending a payroll-tax cut for working Americans that’s set to expire on Jan. 1.
The Obama administration would pay for the extension with higher taxes on families who make $1 million or more. Republicans support the extension but reject any tax increases to pay for it.
Jay-Z, calling for an “open accounting” of where tax dollars go, said he thinks other wealthy people “with a “conscience, with some integrity and moral fiber” would be fine with paying more taxes if they knew exactly where their money was going.
To read more, visit: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/jay-z-president-obama-raise-taxes-congress-debates-extending-payroll-tax-cut-article-1.989669
Short URL: https://reteaparty.com/?p=4901
Raise your OWN taxes….seems YOU can afford it!!!!!
Hey Mr. Carter,
I wholly agree that it would be okay IF and this is a MASSIVE IF – our taxes went to good things.
however this is the biggest problem with government these days – government at the federal level (and even state and local levels) is horribly wasteful, inefficient, and doesn’t allow free competition.
Our country would be MUCH better off if the Federal Government got out of Education, Warfare, Welfare, Healthcare and numerous other areas.
Then we could STOP taxing individuals altogether. That right there would allow individuals to contribute to any charity or local program they saw doing good in their area.
I wish I could have a day of your time to discuss these issues – get us a chalkboard, laptop and fast internet connection. We could change this country so fast.
A coalition of willing individuals who desire a radical improvement to our country.
Ya, I’d like to know where my current taxes went. Oh that is right, TARP, bank bailouts here and in Europe, Solyndra etc. No thanks. But Jay Z, you are free to write a check if you’d like.
Someone tell this idiot that he can send in as much as he likes !
And someone else tell (Re TEA party) that THIS ISN’T NEWS !!!