Gingrich leads, but Paul most likely to beat Obama in latest Iowa poll
2012 Elections, Breaking News, Headlines Monday, December 5th, 2011
By C.J. Ciaramella, The Daily Caller
With less than a month before the Iowa caucus, GOP presidential candidate and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has surged into the lead, but Texas Rep. Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate who could best President Obama, a new Iowa poll says.
According to the latest NBC/Marist poll, Gingrich is the first choice among 26 percent of Republican caucus-goers, followed by former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney with 18 percent and Paul with 17 percent.
The poll represents a dramatic shift in the race. In October, Romney led the field in Iowa with 26 percent, while Gingrich only received a paltry 5 percent of the vote.
With Herman Cain’s announcement on Saturday that he would suspend his campaign, the NBC/Marist poll predicted that Gingrich’s support will increase to to 28 percent, while Romney and Paul tie at 19 percent.
“As the roller coaster picks up speed in the month leading up to the Iowa caucus, Newt Gingrich has moved into the lead car,” said Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, in a statement. “Hold on tight for any further twists and turns.”
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The further left Obama moves and the more he does to show people that he has no regard for both the civil and economic freedoms of individuals, the more Ron Paul will be the obvious choice.
if u take money from those who produce and give it to bums, what do you think ur gonna get?
ron paul yall!
Dr. Paul is the only one who stands fast on his beliefs and convictions. And most of these are obviously the right direction for US! Newt’s skeletons are gonna catch up with him soon…
The US Constitutions is your Friend People !
And only Ron Paul is serious about Following it !!!
Please Search for and Read:
545 vs. 300000000 People – By Charlie Reese
Newt is the medias choice………..think about it……… Ron Paul the medias’ choice?…………The People of the uSA, who read their Constitution of the united States of America , know what Paul is saying and are responding!!!
Neewt is the medias choice…..Paul is the People’s choice…….can you speak English and read ?
Ron Paul’s continued attempts to be the nominee takes conservative voters away from conservative challengers who can win so that the more big government liberal Republicans like Gingrich and Romney will win. By voting 15-20% for Paul you are nominating the liberal wing of the Party. When will the idiots who support Paul realize this ? If I was Obama , I would be giving money to Paul , as he prevents a true Conservative from getting nominated.
Jerry Jerry Jerry.. so you believe that people who support the free market and sound money are idiots? You think people who don’t to continue killing and financing more empire and militarism while going broke are idiots? You think that moral honest and consistent candidates are supported by Idiots? Hmm after a brief consideration, I think I’ll stick with Ron Paul
That is the dumbest thing I’ve read on here, Jerry!
Want Obama to win? Nominate anyone but Ron Paul.
Want Obama to lose? Nominate Ron Paul.
Period, End of story!
This is perhaps the stupidest comment I’ve ever read on a TEA Party site. The TEA Party spun off from a Ron Paul event. He is the TP candidate, and you are on a TP site claiming he should abdicate his responsibility to the group HE started?
Ron Paul IS the most conservative candidate. If the other “conservative” candidates you are thinking about would drop out and support Ron, then he would be clearly in the lead. THEY dillute HIS brand, not the other way around.
OMG! It’s no wonder why the TP is quickly evaporating in relevance. Soon, you’re movement – if it isn’t already – will be comparable to the OWS: misguided! It really boils down to economics and possessing a thorough understanding of the banking system beginning with The Federal Reserve, fractional reserve banking, Keynesian and Austrian economics. Until then, you will not understand how and why these business cycles are created -boom/bust – as well as the real dangers and repercussions of constant government intervention, both domestically and fiscally. Don’t believe your own hype.
Jerry, are you really that stupid or are you a troll?
Goal not to let Obama win in 2012? Then you may need to vote for Ron Paul
Continue reading on Goal not to let Obama win in 2012? Then you may need to vote for Ron Paul – West Palm Beach Libertarian |
I like some of what Paul stands for, however at times is too radical for this independent. Obama has got to go, unfortunately as much as I don’t want it, Romney is the only chance to make that happen. A vote for Paul would be a vote for Obama.
Romney = War, the Fed still having free rein, illegals getting a free ride, billions in hand-outs to other countries, no budget cuts, higher taxes, bigger debt…..
I could go on & on, but maybe that’s enough for Weim to still stand by Romboid.
Romney IS Obama.
It’s “radical” to you because that’s what the media has led you to believe. Think for yourself and you’ll discover that the “radicals” are fully entrenched in the system and that the sane person is Dr. Paul. He has the courage to enlighten us all and pull the blanket away from our eyes. There is nothing radical about cutting a trillion dollars in his first year of office. What was radical is getting us into an undeclared war in Iraq based on WMDs that obviously did not exist; initiating a bailout for corrupt and irresponsible banks that continues on a global basis and sold to us as being necessary for OUR own good and a current admin that has added more than $5 trillion dollars to the national debt inside of 3 years. That’s “radical” “WeimMom.”
That is completely retarded !
Until the REP Nominee is announced you can still Support Ron Paul
110% !!!
He is the Best one ! The only one who will not be just another
Status Quo ponzi, to make you the patsy!!! Like slOwBama and Bush did !
Ron Paul 2012 !
Why do you think the MSM and the Dems are trying to ignore Ron Paul, keep him out of the discussions, allow him the least amount of debate time, and dismiss him as a fringe candidate? Because they are afraid of the truth he represents, of the support he receives from independent voters and open minded Dems, and because they know he will do what he has consistently said, not make promises just to get votes and then do the opposite, like our current POTUS. Can we trust a candidate like Newt who supported a Dem against a conservative candidate in New York, who says he’s for limited government but voted for the formation of the Department of Education, who appears to be for a form of illegal immigration amnesty but fails to put border security first on his agenda? Is this the kind of Rino neocon you want to be your leader? I say no thank you. Ron Paul is the man for me.
I will not be able to vote for someone like Gingrich in the general election, as that would be voting for cronyism and deception all wrapped up in a slick speaking style. Please don’t nominate Gingrich! In direct contra-distinction, if Paul gets the nod from republicans, I’ll throw all I’ve got into the fight to save America from the looting, mooching predators of big government that are taking our freedom and prosperity.
If the diehard GOP voters want anyone but Obama, and the Ron Paul voters want nobody but Ron Paul, then isn’t the obvious choice to nominate Ron Paul?
Otherwise the RP voters don’t vote in the general election, and the GOP candidate starts off with -20% of his party’s support.
I for one am no longer “voting for the person I dislike the least.” If my choice for the Republican candidate is not chosen by our party, I will not vote because the outcome will already have been dictated. As Einstein said: “insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Do you really expect any other GOP candidate – besides Gary Johnson – to do anything different? We are mired in a “one party” system.
Texas Chris, agreed!!
the left got to where we are with the tactics of incrementalism Tea Party would be use the same tactic to get to their goal Romney is the intelligent choice for 2012 ( other candidates may be closer to what Tea Party enthusiasts want. However incrementalism should be part of our strategy to reach our goal )
f the Tea Party endorses Romney or Gingrich.., they are through. The religious right needs to look past Israel ( it is a country which can take care of itself. It has enough nuclear bombs to obliterate Iran.., relax ).
Ron Paul is the only one with the economic knowledge and adherence to Constitutional principles. (Gingrich = Patriot Act = repeal of the 4th amendment ).
An article in Support of Ron Paul by Jeff Goldberg :
video :
U.S. foreign policy has flip-flopped as much as Gingrich and Romney. In the 1970′s the US wanted Iran to become a Nuclear state :