Ron Paul won’t take part in Trump-moderated debate

By Catalina Camia, USA TODAY

Ron Paul has a message for Donald Trump: You’re fired as a GOP presidential debate moderator.

The Texas congressman’s campaign said today he will not participate in a Dec. 27 debate hosted by the conservative Newsmax website because the participation of the real estate mogul and host of NBC’s The Apprentice is “wildly inappropriate.”

“The selection of a reality television personality to host a presidential debate that voters nationwide will be watching is beneath the office of the Presidency and flies in the face of that office’s history and dignity,” Jesse Benton, Paul’s national campaign chairman, said in a statement.

What’s more, Benton says, Trump dissed the Iowa Republican Party when he reneged on a commitment to headline a big fundraising dinner after Trump decided he would no longer seek the presidency. Benton said that caused “embarrassment” and money to the Iowa GOP, which hosts the first presidential caucuses of the 2012 campaign on Jan. 3.

“Our candidate will not even consider participating in the late-December debate until Mr. Trump publicly apologizes to Iowa party leaders and rectifies in full the situation,” Benton said.

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14 Comments for “Ron Paul won’t take part in Trump-moderated debate”

  1. Dr. Paul is right on! When the viewers see the debate without him with this media corporatist personality moderating, the absurdity of this staged debate will be there for the country to see. It will be a most boring spectacle.

  2. Ron Paul’s reason for not participating in this debate is fine with me. I’m pretty sure he probably wouldn’t get a fair shake from Trump anyway. Ron Paul will probably will be doing something much more constructive for the primaries. Dr. Paul’s wisdom and judgement are never doubted by me.

  3. also the donald endorsed the mitt……f.u.c.k,..em both

    • Dan,

      Not only did Trump endorse Mitt, but when Ron Paul won the CPAC, Trump was there saying that Ron Paul was a loser. What more needs to be said other than it is good that the campaign is acting properly this time as compared to a few months ago when Jesse Benton told R.T. and Adam Kokesh, Dr. Paul’s biggest promoters, that they were deliberately stopping Dr. Paul from being interviewed on the network because it was not big enough for them? That indicated that they only wanted entertainment type of “Trump” interviews. So this is an upgrade of whoever finalized this rejection.

      December 3, 2011/Saturday

      PS: Funny, even though both R.T. and Adam Kokesh were rudely spoken down to by Jesse Benton in front of the camera, those two still back Ron Paul as no other media showing that he is the only grownup in the mix.

  4. Lets see if I have this straight
    Trump has announced he may run as an independent
    Trump wants to moderate a debate

  5. MIcah Ephemeron

    Turning a debate into a circus with Donald Trump. Why don’t they have Jerry Springer moderate it? Actually I would rather see Jerry Springer moderate it than Trump. It is so obvious it is a setup to attack Ron Paul unfairly or keep him out. They get Trump because he has zero reputation to protect. The whole thing is really ridiculous to say the least. I hope the other candidates have fun at the Circus. I am sure they will have him target someone else that isn’t Newt Gingrich. My advice to all the candidates is to not go.

  6. Who cares!!!

  7. I think Dr. Paul has a legitimate complaint about Trump dissing an Iowa Fund raising commitment when Trump decided to pull out of the race, However, the more Paul appears at these events, and this will be watched by many, the better he is able to get his message across. He is missing a good opportunity also to practice handling difficult hosts. It would be interesting how both of them would react to each other. This is an occasion for Paul to convince more people depending how he would react to the rowdy, unconventional Trump.

  8. I think trump is nothing but a hustler pimp. All he cares about is the spotlight for himself. If he endorsed Shit romney he doesn’t deserve to host anything related to conservative Americans. F off “the donald” and by all means “you’re fired” too. This will probably not get me job with “the dickhead” but who wants to work for a loser like that anyway. Anyone could be where he was if they had inherited that much money from “daddy”…leave him behind and vote for Ron Paul!!

  9. Of course Ron Paul won’t take part in the debate because he knows Trump will give him the HARD questions especially on his moronic middle east policies which he is unable to defend in a rational way. Foreign policy aside Ron Paul has got some good ideas and he’s a smart guy, but his lack of a rational policy on foreign affairs absolutely disqualifies him, too bad, but of his own doing. By the way Huntsman won’t be there because he also knows Trump will ask him the hard questions on his China policy which is wrong wrong wrong. Good riddance more time for the people that will get the nomination.

  10. Since the foreign policies of every candidate other than Paul and Huntsman are embarrassingly immature, it is fitting that the biggest kid in the playground will be “moderating”. /snicker

  11. Good for Dr. Paul — always a man of integrity which is more than I can say for “the Donald” and some of the other candidates.

  12. Ron Paul supporters, join us on December 16th for a moneybomb. Pledge to donate to Ron Paul on that day at

  13. Trump knows what Ron can do in as little as 89 seconds, and can’t allow that to happen on ‘his watch’.

    Ron knows better – he’s had practice from Hannity and O’Reilly for YEARS now…


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