‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill Passes Senate 93-7

By Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars.com

The Senate last night codified into law the power of the U.S. military to indefinitely detain an American citizen with no charge, no trial and no oversight whatsoever with the passage of S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act.

One amendment that would have specifically blocked the measures from being used against U.S. citizens was voted down and the final bill was passed 93-7.

Another amendment introduced by Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein that attempted to bar the provision from being used on American soil, an effort to ensure “the military won’t be roaming our streets looking for suspected terrorists,” also failed, although Feinstein voted in favor of the bill anyway.

Feinstein was able to include a largely symbolic amendment which states that “nothing in the bill changes current law relating to the detention of U.S. citizens and legal aliens,” but this measure is meaningless according to Republican Congressman Justin Amash, a fierce critic of the bill.

“Some have asserted that Sen. Feinstein’s amendment, S Amdt 1456, protects the rights of American citizens and preserves constitutional due process. Unfortunately, it does not. It’s just more cleverly worded nonsense,” Amash wrote on his Facebook page.

To read more, visit:  http://www.infowars.com/indefinite-detention-bill-passes-senate-93-7/

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22 Comments for “‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill Passes Senate 93-7”

  1. It’s the end of our republic!

    RON PAUL 2012!!!

    • Most defiantly and end reminds me about the book Turner Diaries where you need a card to move from one city to another and from state to state or be jailed until you die I see that happening in todays world. Just waiting to see it hppen

    • Stan in San Diego

      You’re right about Ron Paul in 2012, he’s the ONLY choice.
      As for our ‘Republic’, well we lost that a long time ago.
      That loss is what we get for picking ‘…the lesser of two evils…’
      We, and unfortunately, our kids, will pay for that.

    • This same thing happen in Nasi Germany prior to World War Two. Ever hear of how many people disappeared during those times. This is neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend! Better hope you never anger anyone or have more than your neighbor, just a phone call away is the end of your life. Wake-up America we are being set up for destruction.

    • Someone asked can Congress nulify this? Also, why didn’t this go thru the congress first? Any answers bloggers?

      • This did go through the Congress. All revenue bills (for raising or spending) must originate in the House, so the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) started there and was debated by both houses. This infinite detention nonsense was added as a rider while the bill was being debated. We need to look up the status of the bill and find out which members of Congress voted for this.

        The main web site to track the status of ANY bill introduced into Congress is http://www.thomas.loc.gov . The “Thomas” part is an homage to T. Jefferson; “loc” stands for Library of Congress, and this is an official US govt site. Everyone should bookmark this site.

        If we can drill down and find only the names of those who voted down the original amendment, we should target them for defeat at the next election! I would not, however, seek to defeat every member who voted for the NDAA because we do need to fund our military.

        The Constitution is a masterful document, but it is not perfect. Had I the power to do so, one change I would make is that no bill could deal with more than one topic, which is a requirement of initiatives on the ballot in my state (and probably other states). Actually, there was a bill in Congress a year or so back (that may still be in a hopper somewhere) that does require a bill to deal with only one subject. If this change were made, then it would be impossible to sneak these measures through by riders that cannot stand on their own merits.

        Yes, Congress could nullify this rider by introducing a repeal bill at some time in the future. We need to be careful whom we elect next year and then pressure Congress to restore our Constitutional rights!

  2. What about the House? Can we stop it there?
    This is another step toward dictatorship.


  4. Everybody !!!!! Please READ the bill. I was ready to blast my Senator but decided to read the bill first. I believe we have been duped.
    Please read this before you jump to conclusions.

    • Follow this link to see a true neo-con, not conservative, rant. Their argument is based on opposition to the ACLU, not on the facts. I despise the ACLU, and do not give them credit for being able to tell right from wrong. The “Republican Security Council” bases its position on being the opposite of the ACLU. IOW the RSC DEPENDS on the ACLU to set its position.

      It is recommended to look at the facts, not at who takes what position. Unless one enjoys driving down the highway blindfolded.

      First read the Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights. It forbids the federal govt from claiming such powers and firmly calls for Due Process for ALL accusations. This absurd “Indefinite Detention” bill (WOW, they’re out of the closet! They meant to name it the “American Patriotic Motherhood Bill”) is clearly a violation of the Bill of Rights from one end to the other. Yet because the “Republican Security Council” bases its positions on the ACLU, not on fact, they have it wrong. You can bet that while the ACLU has this right here, it is for the wrong reason. And they have tricked the RSC, flat coldcocked them.

      The crux of this issue is simple. This bill authorizes indefinite detention of American citizens without a trial if they are suspected of terrorism. There is no trial, no proof, no Due Process. If I accuse “Sabine” of being a terrorist, IOW, if I don’t like her, she is carted away indefinitely with NO PROCESS for getting out. No one need prove anything.

      Supporters of this bill assume, against all history and human experience, that suspicions are always correct (!!!), that government is always honest (!!!)

      I suspect that Sabine has been plotting with al Quaeda and j’accuse!!!!! Now, Sabine, prove that you are not guilty. Oh, sorry, no judge, no jury, no trial. Bye bye.

      The history of abuse of such statute is long established. Governments do not give themselves the leeway unless they intend to use it. And since they can hold anyone incommunicado indefinitely, they must, but will not and cannot, prove that this has never been done.

      All that needs to be done to prove that this bill is wrong, is that the potential for abuse exists. Due Process is the way to eliminate that potential. It can never be more perfect than allowing for human error, but elimination of Due Process empowers abuse. This bill specifically eliminates Due Process.

    • Sure, we can stop it in the house…IF the house leadership wants to stop it, but with a 97-3 vote, I am not sure if there will be all that much opposition in the House.

      I checked your link and the bill is not there, only a DISCUSSION of the bill, just like the one we are having here. Nothing in that blog changed my mind.

    • http://youtu.be/l3t4wgZCO5M There Sabine, the person that WROTE the bill tells us that and I quote “the bill DOES apply to American citizens” @1:10 into the video…. It doesn’t get more clear than the person that wrote it. ..

  5. Stan in San Diego

    This bill should expose the criminal nature of the mainstream republican party even to the most feeble-minded, especially those who still think Reagan was anything but a degenerate clown.
    The US MUST STOP policing the world, and we must realize that the greatest terrorist threat comes not from the “Muslims”, but from Washington DC.

  6. [...] Senate is becoming Fascist ! ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill Passes Senate 93-7 | RE Tea Party This bill is very similar to the "Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of the [...]

  7. Where were you, Tea Party, when this was coming up for a vote? Why didn’t you sound the alarm? Why are we hearing about it after it’s too late?

  8. Question: Is congress able to over ride this? And why wasn’t this passed by the congress first? Is the Dem controlled Senate doing whatever they please?

  9. People (and some goal-oriented fear mongerers) are going nuts here with bad/incomplete information. Why not read the bill yourself to help allay your fears? You can get the Senate-passed version (Version 2) here: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c112:S.1867: and I recommend jumping to section 1032(a) for clarity on this. Habeus corpus is not being eliminated for you and I as US citizens/legal aliens.

    A slippery slope? Still under consideration… But we must first await the President’s answer to section 1032(c).

  10. No, only funding/money bills that begin in the Senate need to be transferred down to the House for approval. Any “regular” Senate bill, once approved, can go straight to the President. Unfortunately, Obama would just love to put his mark on a freedom-infringing bill like this in the name of big government and more federal control.

    It’s unfortunate that our supposedly “conservative” Republicans that were allowed to stay & elected in 2 years ago are not doing their jobs on opposing this one in the name of freedom & the Constitution.

    • C’mon Ghent, read your Constitution!

      “Article I, Section 7. All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate MAY [emphasis added] propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

      “Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it becomes a Law, be presented to the [p]resident of the United States; . . . .”

      Note 1st 7 words of first paragraph above that revenue bills MUST originate in the House–not in the Senate. This is because the House is supposedly more accountable to the people being elected every 2 years.

      Other than bills of revenue or spending, the Senate may introduce bills. Typically, one member of the House teams with a senator, and they introduce identical bills each in the person’s own house.

      Note second paragraph above that bills must pass BOTH the House and the Senate before being presented to the occupant of the White House for signature. (Sorry, but I don’t acknowledge the person currently there as a legitimate office-holder, so I refuse to use his name in the same sentence or capitalize the title until he’s gone.) Often bill that emerge from the two houses have been amended to such extent that they are not the same, so they must be sent to a joint reconciliation committee. Then the reconciled bills each go back to their respective houses to be voted on again. Only then are they sent to the POTUS.

  11. [...] thousands of conservatives bloggers like myself and various TEA Party Organizations  find ourselves agreeing with ultra liberals like  Huffington Post and the American Civil [...]


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