Ron Paul video hits Gingrich for ‘serial hypocrisy’

By Catalina Camia, USA TODAY

GOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul released a scathing video attacking rival Newt Gingrich for what the Texas congressman calls “serial hypocrisy” on issues such as climate change and Medicare.

The ad uses Gingrich’s own words to make its point that the former House speaker is not, as the Paul campaign says, a consistent conservative. In one example, there is a clip from a commercial Gingrich made with House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi that “our country must take action to address climate change.”
In another example, Paul uses Gingrich’s now-famous comments that a Medicare plan by House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., is “right-wing social engineering.”

The Paul video also reminds viewers that Gingrich has received lucrative payments from Freddie Mac and health care companies since leaving Congress in 1999.

“Our campaign is making a bold move to debunk the myth that the Newt we are seeing on the 2012 campaign trail is the conservative he has been touted to be all along,” Jesse Benton, Paul’s campaign chairman, said in a statement Wednesday.

Paul’s campaign said it plans to e-mail the video to its “far-reaching e-mail list of conservative voters” across the country, including in early voting states such as Iowa and New Hampshire. The campaign will also purchase banner ads on national and state websites that attract conservative readers.

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13 Comments for “Ron Paul video hits Gingrich for ‘serial hypocrisy’”

  1. Dr.Ron Paul is the most consistant canidate in this field. Tea Party please listen to his message that’s ” right from the constitution “. Your Freedoms are escaping you, take notice. You loose freedoms even when your taxes go up, that’s loss of freedoms! Please wake up to this constant need for war. Every war means more loss of freedoms. I really don’t know how much more we will indure.

  2. Go get em Ron! Shoot em with their own arrows.

  3. Great ad. Ron Paul IS the Tea Party. He’s the only one that deserves it’s endorsement. The rest of these guys are all CLOWNS.

  4. RON PAUL 2012

  5. For GOD’s sake and Ours, get behind Congressman Dr. Ron Paul. He follows the Constitution and has not lied to the people. Tell the GOP to back him and the HELL with the MEDIA!

  6. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Ron Paul won’t say this but I will: Marital fidelity matters. If someone is willing to lie to and cheat those closest to him, how can we trust them to protect our interests? Face it, all we are is a bunch of complete strangers to him. And he asks for our trust? Sorry Newt, you’re not good enough!!

  7. Regardless of how you vote in the general election, voting in the primary for the principled, honest and ethical man makes an important statement.

  8. If a man will cheat on his wife (twice!!) then it is a small matter to lie to the American people.

    No way Newt.

  9. If Newt Gingric is getting payments from Freddie Mac then he ought to be in jail for being a part of the Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae loan problem that “We the People” have to keep giving bail-out money to.

  10. Newt had 84 ethic violations and during the investigation he lied to them. Ron Paul needs the Tea Party to endorse him. He is the only person who will turn our country around and he is the only one that can be trusted to do it.

  11. Newt had 84 ethic violations and during the investigation he lied to them. Ron Paul needs the Tea Party to endorse him. He is the only person who will turn our country around and he is the only one that can be trusted to do it. I am trying to post this message and message I am receiving now states this message was a duplicate but it is not posted. What is going on? I will try again to post my message.

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