Despite Ron Paul surge, tea party hopes on the ropes in Iowa

Tea Party supporter

Appeals Court Revives EFF’s Challenge to Government’s Massive Spying Program

government watching

From San Francisco – The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals today blocked the government’s attempt to bury the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s (EFF’s) lawsuit against the government’s illegal mass surveillance program, returning Jewel v. NSA to the District Court for the next step. The court found that Jewel had alleged sufficient specifics about the [...]

Iowa’s GOP caucuses may see some Democratic defectors

Republican candidate Rep. Ron Paul may benefit from Democratic defectors

Voters who helped elect Obama in 2008 are planning to cast Republican ballots Tuesday, and Rep. Ron Paul is perhaps the most likely to benefit from the crossovers. By Paul West, The Los Angeles Times Reporting from Atlantic, Iowa— Adding an unpredictable element to the presidential contest in Iowa, some disaffected Democratic voters are planning [...]

This year has been lackluster for Wall Street bankers. But next year, there’s Facebook Inc.

Beaver Borough Bans Non-Residents From Sledding

Beaver Borough

It won’t be long before the rain of today gives way to the snow of tomorrow and that means sledding.

SOPA opponents may go nuclear and other 2012 predictions


It was Google co-founder Sergey Brin who warned that the Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect IP Act “would put us on a par with the most oppressive nations in the world.”

The 10 biggest vaccine news stories of 2011


A lot happened in the vaccine industry in 2011 — a year of accelerating change and increased awareness among the people.

Santorum leads with Tea Party base

Rick Santorum

From The State Column Voters who identified themselves as Tea Party Republicans in an NBC poll are extremely divided. Mr. Santorum leads among the Tea Party base with 20 percent, and Mr. Paul and Mr. Romney are tied among Tea Party Republicans with 17 percent, while Mr. Gingrich finished with 16 percent and Mr. Perry [...]

South Carolina Tea Party Convention to coincide with debate

SC Tea Party

By Tim McGinnis, When the GOP candidates for president debate in Myrtle Beach on January 16th, many of them will be attending another event as well. The South Carolina Tea Party Convention will take place at the Springmaid Resort on January 15th and 16th. Candidates Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann have agreed [...]

Tea Party-backed freshmen face scrutiny

Donna McClure

Donna McClure is in a tough position.


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