Ron Paul’s strength in Iowa shows it’s too soon to write him off

By Brad Knickerbocker |

To most pollsters and pundits, any mention of Ron Paul typically comes with an implied asterisk. Whether they say it outright or not, they don’t think the Texas congressman has a chance of being the GOP presidential nominee. Too far outside mainstream, tea party, or born-again socially conservative Republicanism, they say.
More libertarian than anything else.

And yet Rep. Paul soldiers on, and you know what? As other candidates – Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Herman Cain – dash forward hare-like only to stumble or be run over by the next new thing, Paul is the perpetual tortoise in the race, mild-mannered, confident and unwavering in his positions (no flip-flopper he), advancing steadily toward the first real test in the Iowa caucuses six weeks from now.

Consider these recent headlines:

“Ron Paul is for real in Iowa. Seriously.” (Washington Post)

“Niche Voters Giving Paul Momentum in Iowa Polls” (New York Times)

“Ron Paul’s 19 percent in Iowa may indicate a path to the nomination” (Daily Caller)

“GOP outsider Ron Paul gaining traction in Iowa” (Associated Press)

“Ron Paul And Libertarians Can’t Be Discounted” (Forbes)

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10 Comments for “Ron Paul’s strength in Iowa shows it’s too soon to write him off”

  1. What the republican should know is that they don’t have much of a chance of winning against Obama without him.

  2. Ron Paul is the only logical candidate for true conservatives and Tea Party people that want a Constitutional government that protects everyone. He has
    no political or personal baggage and has been consistent with where he strands. I trust Ron Paul.

  3. 71% of the troops support Ron Paul. How about WE support our troops by supporting him.

  4. WOOOO HOOOOO I keep rooting for Congressman Paul and he is the one true choice for restoration of the Constitution and our God given rights!!! YEA !!! tell everybody to support Ron Paul!!!!!!!

  5. Ron Paul is the heart and soul of the Tea Party. No matter how hard the GOP hacks try to shove their big government, bankster and corporatist candidates down our throats — Ron Paul is the only one who has remained faithful to our ideals. Now let’s help him win and Restore America to her greatness again! Ron Paul 2012!

  6. Greeting fellow Ronulans! I come from the future where the Constitution has been legalized, government reigned in and the Republic restored.Federal income tax is being phased out. The Fed Reverve is almost passe and on the virge of being ended completely. Because of this, free-markets have re-invigorated the economy. Now gold is accepted as money and no one wants those old FRNs. Peace reigns throughout the land…

    oh, and this is President Paul’s second term!

  7. God bless Ron Paul! May he gain the nomination; win the election; and restore constitutional government; and stop spending more than we have! He has my vote and my husband’s vote and one son is voting for him too. The other son remains to be convinced.

  8. Great article. Keep it up RE:TP!

  9. The Best Person to Turn This Country Around is Ron Paul. He speaks the truth and will make real cuts to the budget, 1 Trillion in the first year and 3rd year the budget will be balance. His Plan Will Bring Back Jobs to This Country and He Will Bring Home Our Troops. I am going to give it my all to support him and to campaign for him as our next President of the United States. I visit and on a daily basis. Please if you are looking for the best person to be president, check out Ron Paul. He has my vote for President in 2012!

  10. Can Ron Paul beat Obama if nominated? Ron Paul the is right candidate to get this Country back on the track. If he gets more fire in his belly and out debates Obama he might just pull it off. Of course you have to consider the electorate Naive,stupid and uninformed.they elected Obama is the first place.


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