Tea Party Group Presents Its Own Debt Commission Report
Breaking News, Finance, Headlines Thursday, November 17th, 2011By KATE ZERNIKE, TheNewYorkTimes.com
As the Congressional committee charged with reining in the deficit nears its deadline for coming up with a way to cut it by at least $1.2 trillion over 10 years, the Tea Party — or at least, a small group aiming to represent the Tea Party — is presenting its own ideas.
The group, the Tea Party Debt Commission, has been soliciting ideas from Tea Party supporters over the past several months, and will release its final recommendations on Thursday, at a hearing on Capitol Hill convened for it by conservative senators and House members.
When it was formed, its organizers said that the commission would prove that the Tea Party, which tends to like the idea of cutting deficits rather than actual cuts, could in fact come up with a specific plan – one with far more ambitious goals than the joint Congressional committee that is supposed to release its recommendations next week.
The Tea Party budget, as the group calls it, claims to balance the budget in four years, and reduce federal spending by $9.7 trillion over the next 10 years, all while making permanent the Bush-era tax cuts.
If this sounds too good to be true, many will argue it is. Some nonpartisan voices, such as the Congressional Budget Office, have disputed the cost savings that the report estimates for things like repealing the health care legislation passed in 2010, which the Tea Party refers to as ObamaCare.
Among the group’s recommendations are things that have long been favorites of conservatives and/or libertarians — it’s a little bit Ronald Reagan, a little bit Ron Paul.
To read more, visit: http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/16/tea-party-group-presents-its-own-debt-commission-report/
Short URL: https://reteaparty.com/?p=4478
NOW that’s I’m talking about!! REAL CUTS!
I will read the entire report to see details, however, until you change the Congress Persons, you will never get any change from the existing Power Brokers (that are driving us broker). Vote for zero incumbents! My simple plan is to have the Super Committee Dems and Repubs each present a 1.2 trillion reduction program. They then hand their version to the other side and both versions would be passed resulting in up to 2.4 trillion in cuts or revenue increases. Once you analyze their similarities you might really have 1.9 trillion in cuts…Compromise or get out!!!
There an even more simple plan.
When a spending bill comes up, check the constitution for an explicit power to spend money in that way. If it’s not in the constitution, then DON’T SPEND IT!
There, government cut by 75% in one year. Maybe more.
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