Poll watcher: Gingrich rides tea party surge; Obama trails Romney in N. H.
2012 Elections Thursday, November 17th, 2011By Scott Clement, WashingtonPost.com
Gingrich rides tea party surge — Newt Gingrich has climbed above 20 percent support for the first time in CNN/ORC and Fox News polls released this week, two points shy of Mitt Romney in the CNN poll and holding a non-significant one-point edge in the Fox poll. Gingrich’s support peaks at 35 percent among tea party supporters in the Fox poll, twice as many who supported him in October (17 percent).
Despite catapulting to the top tier, just 8 percent of Republican primary voters in the Fox poll say Gingrich is the most likeable candidate. Romney (26 percent) and Herman Cain (25) lead on this measure. Experience may overwhelm charm. Nearly eight in 10 Republicans say Gingrich has the experience to serve effectively as president, compared with just 47 percent who say the same about former frontrunner Cain. Gingrich is also seen as the most trustworthy candidate with nuclear weapons, another indicator that he is seen as a seasoned operator.
New Hampshire at risk for Obama — President Obama trails Romney by 10 points in a hypothetical 2012 matchup in New Hampshire among likely 2012 voters in a Bloomberg News poll released Wednesday, a state Obama won by nine points over John McCain in 2008. The deficit for Obama may be surprising given that New Hampshire’s unemployment rate — at just 5.4 percent in September — is well below the national average. Romney holds a commanding lead in the state’s Republican nomination contest.
GOP support for alternative energy plummets — Support for increasing federal funding for alternative energy research has fallen from 82 to 53 percent since 2009 among Republicans and GOP-leaning independents, according to a Washington Post-Pew Research Center poll released last week. Only two years ago, upwards of eight in 10 Democrats and Republicans alike backed increased funding for wind, solar and hydrogen technology, opening up a previously nonexistent partisan gap. Fully 83 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents support more funding.
A small majority of Americans opposes increased use of nuclear power, a sentiment that’s grown since the disaster at Japan’s Fukushima power plant. But almost six in 10 Americans support more offshore, oil and gas drilling, up significantly from a poll shortly after last year’s oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
To read more, visit: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/behind-the-numbers/post/poll-watcher-gingrich-rides-tea-party-surge-obama-trails-romney-in-nh/2011/11/01/gIQATLalUN_blog.html
Short URL: https://reteaparty.com/?p=4484
Gingrich is NOT riding a TEA Party surge. Gingrich is riding a GOP surge. The GOP establishment is very clear: anyone but Ron Paul.
Gingrich is the flavor of the month. Ron Paul is the TEA Party candidate, the original, and the only, for president.
Amen. When Gingrich crashes, it’s gonna be fun to watch the squirming. They’ll probably start chasing Christie again…
So much for the TEA PARTY being about principled and constitutional idealism–
Get behind the GODFATHER and stop trying on all these ass-hats one at a time—
The TEA PARTY should have showed some leadership by getting behind Paul from day one— he is TEA PARTY patient zero after all-
I agree with Xtrdouglas all the way.The Tea Party is far from being principled and constitutional;
If you are not aware of Congressman Paul’s record of fidelity to the US Constitution, his tireless devotion to defending OUR freedoms, securing OUR borders, & introducing legislation to protect OUR prosperity (Audit The Fed: HR 459) so “We the People” can earn an honest living & provide for OUR families…. please take time to do your own homework. The media elite will not do it for you.
Also— the slant of this report is very disappointing ,,
Thought I would get away from journalistic sensationalism and Agenda driven reporting with a revolutionary group– but no,, more propaganda–
Newt Gingrich??? Tea party??? You people have alot of Huutzpah trying to feed that one to the masses-