Hensarling says GOP is willing to consider new Dem tax proposals

By Russell Berman, TheHill.com

The Republican co-chairman of the deficit-reduction supercommittee on Tuesday indicated he and his party were willing to listen to proposals from Democrats to consider higher taxes to reduce the deficit.

Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) walked back a statement he made Tuesday on television, when he said Republicans “have gone as far as we feel we can go” by offering to raise $250 billion in new tax revenues.

Briefing reporters Wednesday, Hensarling said Republicans would be “more than happy to negotiate” around a new offer from Democrats and pointedly declined to say whether $250 billion was the maximum in new revenue the GOP could accept.

“I’m waiting for the Democrats to put fundamental reform on the table,” Hensarling said. He called on Democrats to make an offer that included significant changes to Medicare, Medicaid and overall healthcare spending. “I’m not going to negotiate against myself. That is one offer we have put on the table that they can accept.”
His comments came as Democratic members of the panel criticized his comments in an appearance Tuesday on CNBC, with Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) calling them “not helpful.”

“We wait for their solution, so I’m not rejecting any offer out of hand,” Hensarling said Wednesday. “Quite the opposite. I’m still waiting for a new offer to be put on the table. … Should that offer come, I am more than happy to negotiate around that offer.”

To read more, visit:  http://thehill.com/homenews/house/194055-hensarling-says-gop-is-willing-to-consider-new-dem-tax-proposals

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