Facebook and Google join the Tea Party
Breaking News, Technology Wednesday, November 16th, 2011
By Gautham Nagesh , The Hill
Google, Facebook and other technology companies are aligning with the Tea Party to defeat copyright legislation championed by movie studios and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Tech companies are seen as the underdog in the lobbying battle over the Stop Online Piracy Act, which would allow the government or copyright holders to obtain court orders to force search engines and online advertising networks to cut ties with “rogue” websites using pirated material.
The measure is sponsored by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), the powerful chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and is backed not only by the entertainment industry but also powerful interests like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and organized labor.
The bill also has significant support from members of both parties on Smith’s panel and the Senate Judiciary Committee, which passed a companion bill earlier this year.
On the other side stand Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, eBay and Google, which will testify Wednesday morning at a House Judiciary hearing on the measure.
The tech companies argue the bills as drafted would expose law-abiding firms to new liabilities and requirements that they monitor websites.
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To me, Facebook and Google, the two most copyright infringers of our personal information and invasion of our privacy offering very willingly that information to a central government data base which now wants to have you brought up on criminal charges if that information is even wrong about your body weight as they compare it to other information they have about you, now want to use the “tea party”‘s name to get more of your information knowing that the movement is so powerful now, is so sad. For this to be claimed with all the information they both have to evaluate making any statement to us shows strongly that the majority of the masses are really sheeple and in my frustration I must say they are blantantly showing how stupid the people still are even after all the places like this website have been attempting for years now to counteract that. This compromise of movement will be its end except for a few fringe gatherings that go back to the original days when it started 4 years ago.
Discouraged with society after this,
November 16, 2011/Wednesday