New poll shows 4-way tie in Iowa as Ron Paul moves to top tier

By Stephanie Condon, CBS News

The Iowa caucuses are just seven weeks away, but Republican voters in the nation’s first presidential nominating state seem as torn as ever over the GOP field.

A new Bloomberg poll of likely caucus participants shows a four-way tie in Iowa, with Rep. Ron Paul joining Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain in the top tier of candidates. Underscoring the uncertainty in the race, 60 percent of respondents said they could be persuaded to back someone other than their first choice for the nomination.

The poll, conducted November 10 – 12 by the West Des Moines-based firm Selzer & Co, shows Cain in the lead with 20 percent, while Paul comes in at 19 percent. Romney wins 18 percent support, and Gingrich earns 17 percent. The margin of error is 4.4 percent.

While Christian conservatives have more influence in Iowa than they do in the rest of the nation, only a quarter of likely caucus-goers say social issues are more important this year than economic issues. As many as 71 percent say they’re voting on issues like jobs and taxes.

The focus on economic issues has likely advantaged Paul, who is known for his strong libertarian views. The Texas congressman wins the most support, 32 percent, from likely caucus-goers who say they’ve made up their minds. Romney wins 25 percent of those who are decided, followed by Gingrich at 17 percent. On top of that, 69 percent of Iowa voters who supported Paul in 2008 are once again supporting him.

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9 Comments for “New poll shows 4-way tie in Iowa as Ron Paul moves to top tier”

  1. Audit the fed support HR 459 Paul

  2. Whoever the nominee is I will enthusiastically support. The end result is…WE MUST MAKE OBAMA A ONE TERMER.

    • Priscilla Sieckman

      If you are not aware of Congressman Paul’s record of fidelity to the US Constitution, his tireless devotion to defending OUR freedoms, securing OUR borders, & introducing legislation to protect OUR prosperity (Audit The Fed: HR 459) so “We the People” can earn an honest living & provide for OUR families…. please take time to do your own homework. The media elite will not do it for you.

      RON PAUL 2012

  3. Lets make ths easy, If u do not care or love yer grand/great grands and theirs, then by all means vote for anyone of the others besides Ron Paul, He is the only one that has America’s benifit at heart.

  4. Really, Billy? I see no appreciable difference between any of the candidates except Ron Paul, Gary Johnson and maybe Huntsman. The mainstream, two party political system is a hegelian dialect, a game of controlled opposition with the same outcome. Case in point: The Bush/Obama Administraitions are really one in the same. No appreciable diffrence.

    Ron Paul 2012! for real change!

  5. Ron Paul:
    Most Searched On Youtube, Facebook and Google!
    Not Funded By Special Interest. But by We The People
    More donations from the military than all other candidates combined!
    Expert In Economics
    Refuses The Lucrative Congressional Pension Plan
    A Duke University Grad (Doctorate Degree)
    Pro-Life (has delivered over 4000 babies).

    And, the most hated by the crony capitalist. Ron Paul will end the special interest hold on our government and help clean up OUR House in Washington!

    America’s last true statesman with the record to back it.

    Veterans For Ron Paul 2012!
    U.S. Army Viet Nam Veteran

    Don’t let the GOP and MSM chose your President. Do your own research and make your vote count. No more chosing the lesser of two evils!

  6. Ditto C4CNCPLS – Ron Paul is the only Presidential candidate who walks what he talks and has done so consistently through his life. He may have gotten only 89 unfair seconds in the last “debate” to state his position but we have only to look at his record to know where he stands. Those who are backed by special interests resent his integrity.

  7. Ron Paul is the last candidate in Washington D.C. with the brains and integrity to give us our country back. I personally feel that given the current miasma of candidates even Ronald Reagan wowuld endorse and vote for him. IMHO


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