Ron Paul Gets 89 Seconds To Speak In CBS Debate

By Paul Joseph Watson,

Congressman Ron Paul was a victim of what later transpired to be a deliberate policy on behalf of CBS News to restrict the air time of certain candidates during last night’s Republican debate, after he was afforded just 90 seconds of speaking time during the course of the event in South Carolina last night.

Paul’s campaign reacted furiously to the Texan being limited to 90 seconds in what was a 90 minute-long debate, with Campaign Manager John Tate blasting out an email entitled “What a Joke,” in which he stated, “It literally made me sick watching the mainstream media once again silence the one sane voice in this election. The one dissenter to a decade of unchecked war. The one candidate who stands for true defense and actual constitutional government. Ron Paul was silenced, in perhaps the most important debate of the cycle.”

A scientific study undertaken by the University of Minnesota last month confirmed that Ron Paul had been given the least speaking time out of all the Republican candidates during the debates, even less than the likes of John Huntsman and Rick Santorum, who have routinely been beaten by Paul in national polls.

As Marc Fortier points out, an email inadvertently sent to Michelle Bachmann’s campaign clearly indicates that certain candidates were given less air time as a result of a deliberate CBS policy.
When a CBS staffer referenced how Bachmann’s campaign had made representatives available for an after-debate webshow, CBS News political analyst John Dickerson responded by saying, “Okay let’s keep it loose though since she’s not going to get many questions and she’s nearly off the charts in the hopes that we can get someone else.”

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21 Comments for “Ron Paul Gets 89 Seconds To Speak In CBS Debate”

  1. Cynthia Kennedy

    Please go read this article, then register to vote republican & vote in your primary or caucus for Ron Paul. Encourage EVERYONE you know to do the same!!

    • I’m a republican precinct chairman in Texas. I can tell you that, in the general election next November, I will not vote for some democrat with an R next to his name. I will either vote for Ron Paul or I will be forced to vote for a 3rd party candidate. Probably the Constitution Party candidate if Dr. Paul does not get the republican nomination.

      I took an oath to support and defend the U.S. Constitution and that means that I cannot vote for the likes of Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich.

  2. Barbara J Struble

    I ask all the candidates to condemn the debate and refuse to participate in any more debates. The lame stream marxist media cannot be allowed to attempt to choose the next president. That is what we, the people will do. True the vote. Peace,

  3. Bildeberg Perry

    There’s a reason they fear Ron Paul. He speaks truth to power. If he wasn’t electable, as they say, why the great lengths to silence him????

    It’s simple, really. They don’t want a true conservative constitutionalist who would apply the principles this country was based on. Communism, Socialism and neo-Conservatism is what they prefer.

  4. Help save our once-free-and-great nation…spread Ron Paul’s message…register Republican (most states)…vote for Ron Paul in your state’s primary.

  5. I agree with you, Barbara.

  6. The mainstream media has done nothing more than expose their real agenda to do the best they can to stop the liberty movement to the best of their ability and help the establishment select the next republican loser of a candidate much like they did in 2008 when they focused attention away from Ron Paul and participated in the push for John McCain. And when the polls show anything other than the desired results to support their lies, they take them down. Does the republican party want to win the white house in 2012 or just make sure their puppet candidate wins the republican primary? Because the only candidate that can beat Obama in 2012 is Ron Paul. There is no debate about that. Wake up GOP…or you are doomed again.

  7. If I have to I will write in Ron Paul. This will be the last time I vote if he isn’t elected and may move to South America. I also agree with Jessie Ventura that standing for the National Anthem is meaningless and disgraces the citizens of this country.

  8. Great article, Ron Paul is the only candidate that is speaking the truth. We all know the media never tells the truth so it will never have ron paul speak much. We need to BE the media and tell our friends about him!

  9. It is amazing how much power the corporate military industrial complex and there financial supplier the Federal Reserve has on our foreign policy and media. It is time to stop fighting these unconstitutional wars which line the pockets of parasite corporations and prop up currencies for the banking cartels. To much blood has been spilled for these tyrants and the chicken hawks who support them.

  10. Good to see, from these comments, the real Tea party is still alive and kickin’ and remembers who inspired the movement!

    • Liberty Belle,

      How true. Sadly even those who cheer for other candidates who say they are Tea Partiers never mention who it was started for nor do they call it a movement. Instead it is capitalized as “Tea Party” and others take whatever credit from its strength that they can steal. Not one candidate, especially Turncoat Bachmann, has ever said that Dr. Paul is the grandfather of the movement. Instead she has boasted more than any other candidate how much she was in charge (just like Sarah Palin did after she backed Rand Paul for the purpose of getting to be called a Tea Partier worthy of being its leader).

      It is time for Sarah Palin to endorse Ron Paul since there is now less than two months (although much can change during that time) to go before the first states have their official elections.She owes it to Ron Paul and when thought of, it is the wisest overall thing for her to do involving this election for several good reasons.

      November 14, 2011/Monday

  11. Ron Paul is the only worthwhile candidate and since the media ignores him we must spread the word to our friends, mailing lists, and Face Book, or any and all social media that Ron is the man for us.

  12. Roy BLizzard III

    As lifelong Republicans my wife and I have already decided that if the choice is between Mitt Romney and Obama we will just not vote or we will vote for some third party Libertarian. We refuse to support the corrupt system that both represents. Either the Republicans get their heads out of their B…’s and quit trying to shove hacks down our throats or they can have Obama for four more years. Go Ron Paul.

  13. Ron Paul or None At All!

  14. Funny though as the local tea party chapter voted in an informal straw poll at the November meeting and Cain was the winner, followed by Ron Paul. What kind of tea party is this?
    Ron Paul or no one at all.

  15. Ron Paul is the only candidate who is worthy of being our next U.S. President. He is not corrupt or power hungry. He tells the truth. He stands on firm principles. He understands history. He loves freedom and he upholds the Constitution. He knows what is causing our problems and how to fix them. He knows perpetual war is not the answer. It would be difficult, but Ron Paul’s plan of enacting true fiscal and monetary reform along with a nonaggressive foreign policy is what is needed to turn this country around. Electing Ron Paul would be the first step in saving our once great nation.

    RON PAUL or None at All. Ron Paul 2012

  16. Go to daily Ron Paul and stay informed

  17. Fire Congress.
    Ron Paul or Gary Johnson. Whoever’s running with the best chance to score.
    Fire Congress.


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