Paul says he wasn’t trying to embarrass Perry
2012 Elections, Headlines Saturday, November 12th, 2011By JIM DAVENPORT, Associated Press
SPARTANBURG, S.C. (AP) — Ron Paul said he didn’t mean to embarrass fellow Texan Rick Perry when Perry forgot, during a debate, one of the three federal agencies he wants to abolish.
Paul held up five fingers as Perry groped for words, and the video has been viewed thousands of times online since Wednesday’s Republican debate.
Paul, a Texas congressman, said in an interview Saturday with The Associated Press that he wasn’t piling on and that Perry had “a human reaction.” Paul said he was trying to bring up his own proposal to abolish five federal agencies.
“But when he talked about three departments, the thing that flashed through my mind was, ‘But I’m for five.’ That’s why I held up five fingers. Only three?” Paul said.
Paul has heaped plenty of criticism on Perry, the Texas governor, and did so again during Wednesday’s debate. But Paul said he offered sympathy as the candidates left the stage.
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No one has to try to embarrass the dumb ass, He does very well at that himself, thats what the p@&*k gets for trying to ride Pauls shirt tail
@Victor, Hell yeah. Well said.
Perry had a brain fart. No biggy. The biggy is Ron Paul has a real plan to save this country and the other bailout supporting rinos on that stage do not.
Oh I forgot, those Federal Reserve Bankster loving Keynesian economic advisor toting rinos who don’t have a clue about monetary policy and who will keep the same corrupt entities in control who have destroyed this country!
Ron Paul is the man with the real plan for We The People!
If you are not aware of Congressman Paul’s record of fidelity to the US Constitution, his tireless devotion to defending OUR freedoms, securing OUR borders, & introducing legislation to protect OUR prosperity (Audit The Fed: HR 459) so “We the People” can earn an honest living & provide for OUR families…. please take time to do your own homework. The media elite will not do it for you.
Ron Paul is the only honest gentleman in the race, and the most kind. Paul’s workable plan to save a trillion in one year and abolish 5 federal agencies is something we should all be looking into. Perry copied without any intention of following through Paul’s campaign promises to audit the fed, cut government agencies, zero foreign aid, and repeal the 16th, but even that doesn’t anger Dr. Paul. I guess the AP considers this kind of reporting to be “coverage” of Ron Paul.
Poor Rick Perry! Bad Ron Paul!
RETeaParty? You demean the true Tea Party candidate, whose supporters were inspired by him to have the first modern Tea Party?
Get real. Liberty or Tyranny. Ron Paul or anyone else.
If Rick Perry hadn’t adopted that stance so very recently and disingenuously, he might have gotten his list of THREE memorized. Ron Paul’s five is just for starters.
I find it hard to believe, that People can’t see what the media is doing. They Push who they want to win, always have. They ignore Ron, and as I yell at them on the T.V wish I could in Person.
I have Voted for Ron every time He has Run for Pres. From 1988 to today. But after this Election I am done If He dosent win. I can not bring Myself to Vote for anyone else. Unless something Changes. I Pray it dose.
I voted for Ron last time and will this time, I agree with most of what he says, but he does not understand islam, he thinks the reason islam is doing the terrorist attacks is because we occupy their land, well they have been occupying and murdering and slaughtering other peoples countries almost since their inception in 600 A.D. ! and they do suicide bombings in countries that have NEVER occupied their land. They murder and kill, because the koran tells them to kill anyone that will not submit to islam, especially if they are Christians or Jews, just read the Medina suras and the hadiths if you do not believe me.
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During last nights debate Ron Paul got a whole 90 seconds out of the first hour of the debate. Were it not for forums such as these, imagine how much harder it would be for him with the MSM ignoring him. Finally, the GOP is getting the message and now the neocons are parroting Dr. Paul’s. How people can’t see this is beyond my comprehension. Ron Paul 2012.
I had to just shake my head when I read this article. Dr. Paul embarrass Perry? He is doing just fine all by himself, thank you very much. oops How he is even in the top 4 or was ever #1 is beyond me. Oh and btw, he was never a Tea Party favorite. That was a media invention, pure and simple.
Right on, Voctor. Perry doesn’t need any help!
Ron Paul 2012!