Some 15% of U.S. Uses Food Stamps

By Phil Izzo, The Wall Street Journal

Nearly 15% of the U.S. population relied on food stamps in August, as the number of recipients hit 45.8 million.

Food stamp rolls have risen 8.1% in the past year, the Department of Agriculture reported, though the pace of growth has slowed from the depths of the recession.

The number of recipients in the food stamp program, formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), may continue to rise in coming months as families continue to struggle with high unemployment and September’s data will likely include disaster assistance tied to the destruction and flooding caused by Hurricane Irene.

Mississippi reported the largest share of its population relying on food stamps, more than 21%. One in five residents in New Mexico, Tennessee, Oregon and Louisiana also were food stamp recipients.

Food stamp rolls exploded during the downturn, which began in late 2007. Even after the recession came to its official end in June 2009, families continued to tap into food assistance as unemployment remained high and those lucky enough to find jobs were often met with lower wages.

States also made changes to make it easier for residents to tap into the program, such as waiving requirements that limited the value of assets food stamp recipients could own.

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2 Comments for “Some 15% of U.S. Uses Food Stamps”

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    Juan Reynoso’s Blog –
    November 7th, 2011
    Mr. Politicians, not all Americans are stupid.
    Mr. politicians, not all Americans are stupid, you can not BS the whole country. It was a time in this United States, that the American people was the most productive in the world, proud of being self sufficient and the biggest exporters that supply foreign countries with goods and service. Your job stimulus and the billions of Dollars that you want to waste on fixing the US infrastructure will create only temporary jobs and will not fix this catastrophe; it is a dream that will never become a reality.

    We know what made our country’s huge unemployment that contributed to this economic catastrophe. It is the “Free Trade and Globalization”; not one will be able to fix this catastrophe if they are not able to see the truth.
    Fellow Americans, For forty years this corrupt Government, hide the damage caused by free trade and Globalization, this government implemented socialist programs to compensate the people for lost income and jobs; give the people what they have not earned and guarantee the people a right to goods and services he has not earned, at the expenses of the middle class. This practice of cover up our country’s ill foreign trade policies, converted our country into a socialist state, that is destroying our country’s values.
    What politicians of this United States, must understand is that the government do not produce any jobs or any thing; they take from the people in the form of taxation and diminish someone else’s right to what he has earned. Socialism, Marxism and communism do not work; the people of this United states will revolt. Mr. politician , the people is fed up, it will not take it any more; you have seen the peoples demonstrations asking for the reclamation of their values and the restoration of the U.S. Constitution to void these unconstitutional treaties, and the prosperity of the working people.

    Mr. Politician, the first thing you must do, is to recognize that socialist programs do not work and must stop. Give the people back, their pride and their right to self determination this will fix this catastrophe. We know that rights come with responsibilities, and that it is the responsibility of every American to work, to be the best they can be and be productive. Not one in this United States want to become a burden to any one; not to their families, their community or the country. This corrupt government must eradicate all elements that deprive Americans of working opportunities and earning livable wages. The elements that needs to be address are:
    Free Trade and illegal immigration, these two issues deprive Americans of the opportunity to work and earn a decent pay for their work.
    Mr. Politician, expending money in the name of social justice is a lie, because this made people economic slaves dependents of handouts and supporters of their masters. it is a system that will destroy our nation wealth and income, it breeds more spending and make our people lazy.
    Mr. Politician, you need to start working for the American people, do not promise what you can not deliver. Free Trade can be renegotiate to benefit the American working people and the easy task, will be the enforcement of our immigration laws and secure our borders, this will create millions of jobs. stimulus and bail outs will not work it will make this economic catastrophe worse.

    Mr. Politician, I pray to God, to give you the wisdom to do what is right for Americans. This is not the time to seek political power it is a time to work hard to save our country.
    Juan Reynoso


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