Ron Paul Feels Like A Canary In A Coal Mine
2012 Elections, Headlines Thursday, November 3rd, 2011By Sophie Quinton,
Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas., said Thursday that there’s a reason why his presidential campaign lacks media attention: he’s speaking truth to power.
“I think I’m attacking the status quo like never before,” Paul said on MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe.’ “They’re not going to give me a boost because I’m challenging the whole banking system, the military industrial complex, the welfare state, our foreign policy.”
“I think there’s a lot more support out there for what I’m talking about than they realize,” Paul said.
Paul pointed to a recent straw poll win in California and enthusiastic crowds at the University of Iowa as evidence that his libertarian ideas have gained traction. Paul is notorious for attracting enthusiastic crowds of college students.
The crisis in the euro-zone is just the latest proof that the world system has gone awry, Paul said. “This whole economy has no cards left to play,” he said, “just as communism went to the dogs.”
“We all face the same problem: nobody wants to admit the truth,” Paul said of indebted Western nations. “The world is bankrupt, the system is bankrupt, it’s not viable, and we’re facing the same consequences because we spent way beyond our means and nobody wants to cut.”
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It’s really basic: The MSM does NOT want to hear the TRUTH! They also don’t want the American public to hear the TRUTH, which is obvious.
MSM knows the “truth”. If they report “truth” they get fired and will not be able to work for another TV news agency.
Freedom rights are being squashed – unless they say Obama is great.
Freedom of Speech/Press/Journalism – have to go to internet to find.
Salon Glenn Greenwald/ DemocracyNow/ — add your own to this list.
Yep Ron Paul actually speaks the truth unlike most if not all the other candidates. When you hear Ron Paul speak you know he’s talking the real deal. Best of luck to Ron Paul on the campaign trail.
I like Ron.
I’m voting for Ron Paul, the most principled public servant of our time.
Ben Franklin
I’m also preaching the message that Ron Paul brings to the people of NC. IF I should become the GOP nominee and actually win the NC Governorship in Nov., A Paul-Schell team will rock the establishment.
These are interesting times we are living through. Bush said, “You are either with us or with the terrorists” Well now its time to decide You’re with Freedom, truth and the Constitution or are you with the establishment banksters. Ron Paul 2012 to save the Republic! I have faith in the younger generation to fight the globalists.
This guy is is no better than the others, Ron Paul will hopefully roll over just like the canary, feet up.
Blah meh bring us all back to the dark ages why don’t you.
So no, next.
These are the dark ages of the era of capitalism and Liberty so we have to act NOW
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I don’t understand, this is America and the news media is blocking us from hearing the truth? We are going to be voting for our next president and they what to tell us who to vote for? Let the people decide who to vote for and that means letting everyone hear what Ron Paul’s Plan is for America. Please start reporting so we can decide or maybe we should start boycotting all news media that does not report the news fairly.
Ron Paul has some good ideas but many contradictions – he says one thing and then another – that is why he is going no where in the polls – He is inconsistent and contradicts himself constantly! Listen carefully to his “points” and note the inconsistencies in his statements.
DIPLOMACY: April 2009 –
EARMARKS: (on this one he is disingenuous – he says he never VOTED FOR an earmark but he INSERTED 65 of them in bills! This is like Bill Clinton saying, what is, is?
I watched all the videos. I find them to be positive, albeit the last one he was cut off and not allowed to finish his response to Russert and I will be following up on these issues to clarify his position and if it is, indeed, inconsistant with his stated positions. If so, it is the first one I have found.
In regards to his policies on defense and terrorism, if you not understand what he is talking about, which it appears that you do not, then you need to do more homework. I suggest you study the statistical data compiled by Dr. Robert Pape, professor at Chicago University. He is the only researcher to do an indepth study on the causes of suicide terrorism, and upon whom 90% of these attacks are directed. You must wonder why the DOD never bothered to complile this infomation which is critical in understanding the motivations of the enemy. But, Dr. Paul, is a scholar and knows about this and bases his reasoning for his foreign policy partly upon this data in addition to following the Constitution when it comes to war. And mark my words, regardless of what you label it, sanctions, trade embargos, drone attacks and CIA involvement in other soverign nations are acts of war and all of them make us a target for retaliation and less safe. Here is Benjamin Franklin’s view on foreigh policy rings true today:
“Those who would trade their Liberty for the illusion of security, deserve, nor will they have either”
Further Hillary Clinton’s words show her to be a liar. The fact that she complimented Dr. Paul on his supporters, show she recognizes his power with the people. Did you perceive her compliment as a negative for Dr. Paul? I see it as the opposite.
So, in conclusion, your attack hits are actually a 90% positive reinforcement of Ron Paul’s fitness for President. Not bad…
Ron Paul is the most consistent candidate the GOP has. To state otherwise is to admit you either do not understand his positions, or you support unconstitutional government.
You pick.
Me, I’ll side with the constitution.
Further, I’m sure Ron Paul’s constituents appreciate him returning some of their stolen money – I mean taxes – back to their district in the form of earmarks.
MSM doesn’t want to tell *truth* to the people – they are controlled by big corporations who want all the money they can get. Not a question of does the MSM and USA TV News Media know the truth. They must lie b/c of their Employers [or lose their high salaries] and b/c of Obama Administration media controls. If you want *truth* go to YouTube for Ron Paul speeches/interviews.
REGISTER republican for Primaries [so you can vote for Ron Paul]. Then vote in General Election. DEMAND of Congress – 21 Presidential Debates and all MSM and Q&A on C-Span [as in Ralph Nader letter -].
Ron Paul endorsed a 1986 Book published by the Libertarian Press in Grove City, PA. The book was written by an Austrian School Economist named Dr. Hans Sennholz. It’s a very slim, but ultimately prescient book which predicted as far back as then, that the fiat money system would tank of it’s own overburdened weight. The book is still available and still viable. It was only incorrect in it’s time line. By Dr. Sennholz’s caluclations, the system would have collapsed in 1995-2000. But the crooks in government propped up their bankster cronies and “extended and pretended”, (a practice that they are still perpetuating) until the whole rotten morass of
corruption and deceit fails of it’s own flawed mechanics. Bernie Madoff is a choir boy compared to the architects of Social Security, the welfare state and fiat money. Yet the nameless facilitators of the staus quo will not be indicted, will not have THEIR wealth confiscated, nor will the system actually punish anyone. It will punish everyone. Those connected, less so than those without connections. The sad thing is that ultimately, these architects condemned their own descendants to a life in a feudal system instead of the greatest and freest society that man’s genius could conceive.
Even great wealth runs out. Eventually. Brutal times can linger for longer than anyone would ever think. The dark ages lasted 1000 years. Pray we don’t countenance the idea.
Oh yes….my omission…sorry! The Book is called “Money and Freedom!”
Please look it up. It shaped Dr. Paul’s own philosophy.
I think Ron Paul is the only true conservative/constutionalist left in Congress. All other candidates are just shills for the neo-con wing of the republican party that want nothing more than endless wars, corporatism, cronyism, federal reserve manipulations….. what a shame that one wing of the party can cause sooo much damage. I wish the voters were more critical thinkers, than conditioned thinkers. Anyways, I will vote RON PAUL, the only true republican running in the race.
Ron Paul is the only true conservative running for President and the only one that can beat Obama. Why?
Obama is pro-war
Obama has keynesian economic advisers
Obama supports TARP
Obama supports Big government
* ALL of the other candidates (except Ron Paul), support and believe in the same thing. The voters will have to choose one side of the same coin. Obama will win.
On the other hand, Ron Paul is an expert in economics from the Austrian School. He is anti-war, he opposed TARP, he wants smaller government & proposed a cut of 1 TRILLION in his budget plan. So you see, Ron Paul is a contrast to Obama, while the other candidates are cut from the same cloth.
Regardless of your political leanings, register republican, and soon, so you can vote for Mr. Paul to win the GOP nomination to run against Mr. Obama.
Ron Paul does indeed correctly point out many problems with the system.
The problem is that his proposed solutions to those problems are childly simplistic and based on long-discredited antebellum ideology and theologyr.
The man is not a Libertarian, he’s a Neo-Confederate.
If ideas like responsibility, justice and individual liberty are a part of “the dark ages” then send me back!!!!