Bachmann blames Perry for tea party trashing
2012 Elections Saturday, October 29th, 2011By MAGGIE HABERMAN | Politico
Michele Bachmann is blaming a tea party group’s call for her to bow out of the 2012 race on Rick Perry, insisting it was a dirty trick – adding she had no evidence but had heard word of it.
In an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Bachmann said that American Majority, which posted a message saying it was time for her to pull the plug on her campaign, calling it not serious.
Bachmann, whose base is the tea party, promptly – without offering evidence of it – blamed the Perry campaign.
“We found out that this is really a misstep on the part of the Perry campaign because these are Perry supporters that came out,” she said. “This was a clumsy move. This was meant to be a stealth move to make it look like this was Tea Party, and apparently, these are Perry supporters that came out and it was just a clumsy move on their part to make this statement.”
“If Governor Perry has something to say to me, he can come out to the debates and he say it. But this was clearly — this egg on the face, unfortunately, for the Perry campaign. It certainly isn’t a blow to my campaign because I’ve had non-stop support coming out of the woodwork from Tea Partiers all across the country ever since this came out.”
When Blitzer pushed for evidence and whether she had any, she said, “No, this is something that people have told us, that these are Perry supporters and they went out with this and this was meant to be a stealth move and it was clumsy.”
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I have an idea, if either or both of the above named candidates REALLY believe in limited government, individual rights, the rule of law and abiding by the constitution, why not BOTH bow out and endorse the ONE congressman who has lived up to these ideals?
Sorry, but I can NOT support candidates who voted for the PATRIOT Act (Bachman) or who think executive power exceeds that of the legislature (Perry, re: his Gardisil misstep)
Amen Brother
How many times has Ron Paul been elected to his congressional seat? Don’t get me wrong, I like the guy.
I’m just saying this to illuminate your own words about limited government. I think you might have meant term limits. In which case my question still remains.
Ken Van Doren,
Ron Paul is the true defender of liberty in this presidential election. Let both of them get out of the race and support Dr. Paul.
Perry is running to be a wrecking ball for the Conservative chances of nominating a Tea Party person. I can see the pattern now, these are despicable bastards. McCain was supposed to loose to Obama. Whoever runs for the Republcians must be a an Obama in sheep’s clothing or let Obama win, to continue the globalization agenda.
The problem: the conservatives who are on the inside,arent exposing it, they are trying to beat them using boy scout rules. Dont bring a knife to a gunfight, you blithering idiots…
I am voting for Ron Paul 2012!
“Bachmann, – without offering evidence of it – blamed the Perry campaign.” This is why she is considered a joke and not a serious contender
We are not to call Turncoat Bachmann a “joke” nor a “flake”. Of course it was A-OK for Congressman Dr. Ron Paul to be called that. Maybe there is gender racism (or something like that) going around?
I do not mind being looked at and oogled at by you guys, but this type of difference just seems to be too out of place.
Rick Perry is not a conservative —
Now Lee,
:You should not complain. After all, those dogs have too much fur/hair for such a deserted area of the country. Rick Perry was/is only doing what he believes to be in the best interest of the long-legged critters.
As a Tea Party Patriot member who has attended our meetings , I can assure Politico , a that Rick Perry has been identified by our Tea Party as an advocate of “AGENDA 21″ and as a Globalist he has pushed the “SUPERHIGHWAY” that allows Mexican Nationals to drive their trucks inside the United States through Texas. Perry is seen by our Tea Party as a politician ready to sacrifice the private properties of all citizens in the path of his Superhighway . This is consistant with his past support of illegal immigration and its cheap labor that benefits his contributors who are the wealthy ranchers , farmers and businesses that seek cheap labor at the expense of American citizens. Perry is the one who should drop out as he has shown his disdain for those against the Texas Dream Act.
Thank you. Well said!
Jerry Van EE,
[...] RE Tea Party » 2012 Elections [...]
In short, since none of these so-called Tea Party candidates have ever acknowledged who the grandfather of the Tea Party movement is, that being our very own Congressman Dr. Ron Paul, that right there talks miles of their corruption and their infiltration to attempt to commadier the movement. Therefore that leaves only Ron Paul as THE CHOICE. All other candidates who are not claiming to be a ruler of the Tea Party offer nothing but spin anyway which still leaves only Dr. Paul as THE ONE choice.
The Libertarians (Campaign for Liberty) did not start the Tea Party: Dale Robertson at did.
Who is this Rhonda like she owns the direction on this board? Ron Paul 2012