Ron Paul Does Not Rule Out A Third-Party Run

From Real Clear Politics

Ron Paul would not pledge to rule out a third-party run for president if he did not get the Republican nod. Paul said he is running for the Republican nomination and to make such an announcement now would undermine his current campaign.

Paul was discussing his candidacy with the panel on FOX News’ “Special Report.”

However, Ron Paul hinted several times during the interview that the thought is in his mind. Paul noted that there are more registered Independents than Republicans or Democrats in the state of New Hampshire.

When asked if he would pledge not to run as a third candidate Paul dodged giving a direct answer. “I pledge that I have no intention of doing it,” Paul said cheerfully.

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31 Comments for “Ron Paul Does Not Rule Out A Third-Party Run”

  1. What’s it matter? He’s the only one who can beat Obama, and he’s going to win the Republican nomination

  2. He won’t need to. He is going to get the Republican “nod”.

  3. Ron Paul in 2012, no matter what party!!!

  4. The GOP didn’t learn in 2008 that the people DO NOT want their chosen elitist choice as President and they will get another repeat of 2008 if they put Romey up against Obama. They just don’t get it. Ron Paul supporters will write in their candidate before they choose the lesser of two evils. Evil is evil.

  5. Right on! I’m registered independent and I think it’s the party of the future. If the republican party nominates another guy, Ron should go independent. Either way he will have my vote. 2012 is the time we the people take our country back. I believe the people can do a better job. United we stand!

  6. If Ron Paul wants to assure that Barack Obama has two terms he should run as a third party candidate against a Republican. Splitting the Republican vote is a sure fire way of losing the election to the Democrats. Please don’t do it,Ron.

    • To this person, something you apperently don’t understand. If the Republican
      establishment gets one of their choosen ones the Republican nomination and Dr. Paul doesn’t run as a third party, then it will not matter if Obama gets re-elected
      or not. The “Republican” candidate will just pick up where Obama left off.
      Another words there wont be a dimes worth of difference!!!!

      • You are right in that Ron Paul should not stop. Look what we have now-George Bush on steroids. There is no difference in Dems and Reps except for Ron Paul. There are more Independants than Republicans all over and enough Republicans will jump ship to vote for Ron Paul to allow him to win.

  7. And the nominee is

    It is foolhardy to even consider a third party run. Anyone could be Obama. And Ron Paul should be willing, rather than run in a third party bid, to get behind the nominee and pledge and give his support whole-heartedly.

    It is not about any one person now. The goal is to get the Obama out of the Oval office.

    • Ha! You don’t know Ron Paul. He’s cast more solitary “no” votes than anyone in congress. He refuses to bend on principle. Unless the eventual nominee shares his convictions he will not support them. It’s not about defeating Obama, it’s about defeating the powers that be who pull the strings of both parties’ presidents.

  8. And the nominee is

    A third party bid would fracture the republican vote and guarantee Obama 4 more years. Doesn’t anyone here remember Ross Perot?

  9. If Ron Paul or anyone runs as a third party candidate, it will split the Republican and Independent vote and OBAMA WILL WIN. Ron Paul would be stupid to do it unless he wants Obama re-elected.

  10. edward smith jr

    A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for Barak Obama. He won’t win the Republican nomination. He is considered too much of a kook.

    • He absolutely can win the Republican nomination, because he is the only candidate we can really trust.

      Ron Paul has a track record of standing for his beliefs in Congress rather than selling out to get choice committee appointments and so on when he could have easily done so.

      YOU call him a “kook” because you disagree with his pro-freedom ideas. That says more about you than it does about Ron Paul.

      • Ron Paul will have a better shot against Barack Obama in the general election than other Republicans will, because he will draw more support from independents and Democrats than they can.

        Also, many Ron Paul supporters will not be voting Republican unless Ron Paul or Gary Johnson is the GOP’s nominee. Many of us will vote for Paul as an independent or write-in candidate, or vote Libertarian, before voting for the likes of statists like Mitt Romney or Herman Cain.

        • I think Ron Paul is one of the two best candidates running. As much as I like him, though, I hope all you Independents out there will remember… history repeats itself. If you don’t support the ONE candidate running against Obama, and support Mr. Paul in splitting the vote, should he not win the Republican candidacy, even though your intentions will be honorable, you WILL be giving the next four years in the White House to Obama! Maybe the other Republican candidates don’t have it all together…BUT any of them is a far cry better than the intended dicator/tyrant who’s running the country now! You can’t logically place any of them beside him. He’s the only Socialist running! And, given another four years in office, he could complete his ultimate goal…to bring this country under total Sociailstic dictatorship. He’s as determined to do that as Mr. Paul is determined not to let him.

  11. edward smith jr

    Romney is one of the most uniquely qualified people to ever run for president. He has a successful record in the private sector, the public sector and with NGO’s. He is a man of accomplishment in all three areas, unlike Obama who is accomplished in none of them.

    Romney was successful in the private sector as a venture capitalist leading Bain Capital. His record included the building of such companies as Staples Office Supplies, Sealy Mattress Company and, yes, the Domino Pizza Company. His efforts created 10,000 jobs.

    Romney was successful in rebuilding the 2002 Winter Olympics at Salt Lake City, UT from a disaster of international financial corruption and athlete drug abuse into an amazing, profitable success. He brought in competent people, cleaned out the corrupt, gained the confidence of sponsors who poured millions into the effort, ran a spotless Olympic Games and left the US Olympic committee with a surplus said to be as high as $500 million.

    Romney was elected Governor of Massachusetts in 2003 and accomplished an impressive record as Governor. Massachusetts’ unemployment rate was 5.6% in January, 2003 when Romney took office and it was 4.5% when Romney left office in 2007. (USA Today, Wednesday, August 31, 2011) He reduced the Massachusetts’s $3 billion deficit. He signed into law a health care reform program to provide universal health care for Massachusetts residents. The plan required the people who could afford it to buy private health insurance to keep them from sponging off the tax payers by getting free medical care at hospital emergency rooms.

    • Wow. Insider boy Romney personally built the 2002 Winter Olympics, undoubtedly with his Ken doll pecs.

      Romney is one of the most non-unique standard politicians to ever be annointed. He is an Insider, his “success” derived from mercantilist favors, not ability, he is a flip flopper, he is a left winger who fervently STILL believes that he has the right to force his choices on others (yes, RomneyCare), he has NO CLUE what the Constitution stands for nor has he nor does he intend to “uphold and defend” it, he never met a war he wouldn’t send YOUR kid into and waste YOUR taxbucks on, etc, etc, etc.

      He is a liar, but don’t let that bother you, because he does have that square jaw that is so effective at helping him present that bully-in-charge image.

      I could hardly give a C#@p amount Romney’s so-called “accomplishments”, I want a president who will UPHOLD AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION, and before that he has to have a clue what it is.
      Romney has zero clue. Right now there is one candidate who will, and that is the unflinchingly candid and honest Ron Paul.


      • To Jack
        Boy do I agree with you! Lest take a look at one issue Rommney
        has flip floped on. Since running for Pres. he says (in short) that he
        is anti-abortion. Well I have personnaly seen video of him when he was
        running for Gov. of Mass.. In that video he said that he was a staunch
        supporter of a women’s right to “choose” and as gov. he would do NOTHING to interfer with that right. Now hows that for an obvious flip-flop.
        and that’s just one issue.

  12. What is wrong with the American people? They say they want honesty, they say the want truth, they say that they want the Constitution followed but there seems to be only one candidate that is doing exactly that and they are still complaining!
    RON PAUL for 2012.

  13. This same nonsense was put out 4 yrs ago. RP said he would not and he did not. In 1988 he did NOT pledge to not go 3rd party, and now he DOES pledge to not go 3rd party. If there is anyone out there who lives by his word, it is Ron Paul. Yet this filthy effort persists, because the INSIDERS, including the co-opted “RE Tea Party” will do anything to stop Liberty.

    Mitt Romney, the annointed insider, is a flip flopping liar.

  14. If he runs on a third party then Obama will get 4 more years to destroy our economy. We cannot afford that.

  15. Romney is a two-faced flip-flopper. He cannot escape his record of promoting government-run health care in Massachusetts. He is a wealthy, elitist politician with ties to Wall Street.

  16. I am voting for Ron Paul whether he is a Republican candidate or a third party candidate! If he does not win the Republican nomination, I am still voting for him even if it means splitting the vote and Obama gets reelected, the clowns that do not vote for him can live with four more years of communism from Obama.

    • Appreciate all of you who hold to your principles to vote for Ron Paul no matter what. However, are you old enough to remember 1992 and Ross Perot? Perot split the Republican/Independant vote and Bill Clinton won over Bush. Sometimes, you have to accept the pragmatic reality of life. RP in 2012 has about as much chance as RP in 1992 had. But the consequences of your choice in 2012 will likely be far more devastating to the country than in 1992

  17. If you think Romney or Perry or Cain would save this country you are dreaming. Wake up! The two parties are on the same side. It doesn’t matter which one is elected, the destruction of America will continue. Look at who the establishment, including the media, is most opposed to: Ron Paul. It’s because they know he will not take orders from them.

  18. I would like to offer this thought….Decide what YOU want, and what principles YOU consider important, then pick a candidate who you feel will best represent what you want, regardless of political party affiliation. Vote for that person and see what happens. If everybody votes their own conscience, then the winner is the peoples choice; and we can all live with ourselves

  19. Freedom Is Not Free

    No, the goal is NOT to get Obama out of office. The goal is to end the death march away from the Constitution and towards a one-world government, which has been greatly accelerated by Obama (but most definitely NOT started by him). Romney would represent nothing more than Obama-light, and any other neo-con (or Tea-o-con) candidate would not be appreciably better.
    Ron Paul 2012 – whatever it takes

  20. I will vote for Ron Paul no matter which party he belongs to. I do not care about any party, but the individual candidate. With the integrity that Dr Paul has, I do believe he has a chance to win. This time I think we, the people feel the urgency of voting for a solid person, or we deserve to stay in the muck we are in.

  21. He may run as an Independent.

  22. I would like to note that I was promptly BANNED from the “Tea Party Nation” site for my statements on this topic. TPN (which is now promoting Herman Cain, after tiring of Michelle Bachman) has apparently suspended the First Amendment when it comes to criticism of Judson Phillips or support for RON PAUL. Basically, my opinion is that I will vote for Ron Paul regardless of who the Republican candidate is. In 2008 I had this same position, and, therefore, voted Ron Paul as a “write-in”. I understand the thinking of those who do not agree with my opinion. But on TPN, it seemed like anyone supporting Ron Paul was accused of treason, since only a real “Republican” (like Romney, Perry, or Cain?) could possibly defeat Mr.Obama.


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