Tea Party Nation poll shows 52 percent will vote for Romney if he is GOP nominee
2012 Elections, Headlines Monday, October 24th, 2011By Alicia M. Cohn, TheHill.com
Most self-affiliated members of Tea Party Nation, one of the largest national organizations for the grassroots conservative movement, would vote for Mitt Romney as president if confronted with a choice between him or President Obama, according to a poll of members released to The Hill on Friday.
The group surveyed its members this week in an informal poll posted at the group’s website. The question asked was: If Romney is the GOP nominee, what will you do in the general election?
Fifty-two percent of about 1,150 respondents said they would “hold their nose” and vote for Romney if he becomes the GOP nominee, while 23 percent said they would vote for an unspecified third-party candidate. Twelve percent said they would not vote in the presidential election at all if the choice is between Romney and Obama.
Twelve percent of those polled said they would “vote enthusiastically” for Romney.
The unscientific results underscore a general lack of enthusiasm for Romney from the conservative wing of the Republican party, but also contrast with a poll taken by the same group in August. In that survey, 45 percent of 1,700 members answered ‘no’ when asked, “If Romney is the nominee, will you vote for him in the General Election?”
“Romney has a huge problem and this flies straight into the face of the idea that he is the most electable candidate,” said Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips. “If he is nominated, he will face the same situation [Arizona Sen. John] McCain did in 2008 where conservatives are going to stay home.”
To read more, visit: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/189117-tea-party-nation-poll-52-percent-will-vote-for-romney-if-he-is-gop-nominee
Short URL: https://reteaparty.com/?p=4028
If Ron Paul doesn’t win the nomination then vote Libertarian. The mainstream Republicans are a big part of who got us into this debt.
Interesting. It was only recently that it was said that Ron Paul received about 20,000 write-in votes the last time. Back then it was said that most likely if you write him in those votes just might be trashed therefore it would be better to vote either Libertarian or Constitutional party. The choices were either Chuck Baldwin or Bob Barr, I believe. Although the Libertarian Party was the preferred under the circumstance, if memory serves me correctly, the better candidate of choice was Chuck Baldwin who was with the Constitutional Party. Regrettably I do not think it was openly announced as to how many votes either person/party received, but I would tend to think that it was probably not much different than what Ron Paul got since they were basically unknown and of course neither came up to the real Ron Paul himself.
Still, your suggestion is a good one, but not for the reason you might think. It is a good one because logic dictates that the Libertarian Party candidate will be none other than our very own Dr. Ron Paul himself. He has given all the cues for months now. In addition to that, the spinner on it all might just be Sarah Palin endorsing him. Take heed to your Libertarian suggestion.
I will vote for Ron Paul or No one at all!
Well I absolutely will not be voting for this big business, big war jerk.
Did they also poll how many TEA PARTY Nation would choose Mickey Mouse over Obama? I would almost rather have Obama get full credit for our crash and burn that elect a Romney and have the USA collapse on a Republican watch where nothing substantive was done to fight back.
If it were between Obama and Romney, I would definitely have to hold my nose to vote for Romney. Frankly, I don’t see much difference between the two.
you are confused. This is not a horse race where you try to pick the winner. Besides, odds are, your vote will not swing the election. Why don’t you try to make a statement with your vote instead of crawling backwards into the decision, vote for a third party.
only if he is the only choice, just like the article said. I for one do not think he will come out on top when we vote for the GOP candidates. Too much of a lib/dem in him.
Anyone that will do anything to help Obama serve another four years,, that being the 45% or 52% of so called TPers,, they are just more Obama useful idiots that can added to the list of pro Obama useful idiots.
A TPer that will stupidly help Obama serve another four years by not voting for the alternative in the General is worse than than those that support and will vote for Obama.
Obama trips and falls into a vat of bleach. People gasp, and the secret service guards reach into the vat and grab the extended hand and pull. And what do they pull out? Mitt Romney! That’s about all the difference there is between them: skin color. They are both reds politically.
Why don’t they ask some real TEA party groups instead of these wannabe’s ? I wouldn’t vote for Romney (And it will be Romney) if it were between him and Satan !!!
Ron Paul gets my vote and Ron Paul alone….
Voting for the evil of two lessors is why this neverending string of bad presidents never ends…
There are 200 candidates running for POTUS, and you are jumping at what is thrown at you by the MSM. Beck said there was a George Washington out there to be found, but none of you are looking. I DID. And I found John Dummett. He is the George Washington we have been waiting for. If you don’t want to lose this country to the PROGRESSIVES (Romney is one of them) you will quit being LED and start looking into John Dummett!
52% ain’t good enough , you need 80%+. Romney’s own Romneycare makes him unelectable in 2012. His best time was in 2008 and unfortunately McCain beat him. Bachmann is right , we cannot “SETTLE” for another loser. My pick is with a Kasich/Rubio ticket that delivers Ohio and Florida two states the GOP must have to win.
This self-appointed “Tea Party” organization sure as hell didn’t talk to me, nor to any of the hundreds of other friends, family and fellow members of the actual Tea Party (and who have espoused for decades the principles that later became associated with the Tea Party.) I literally cannot name a single one who is not utterly disgusted by the very idea of the calcified, old-boy NWO-RINO network installing Romney as “nominee” in the same way they “nominated” confused-Democrat McCain in 2008 (as opposed to conducting an actual election among GOP voters for a nominee.)
They buried him in 2008 because he apparently hadn’t been groomed sufficiently to allow the One-Worlder / Agenda 21 / Corporatist (as opposed to capitalist) / “UN” / New Serfdom clique continue their assault on reason, individualism, economic freedom and political freedom. Presumably they’ve since brought him into line, and have enlisted their pals in the “major” media to push him and Perry – the Scare Pair, the Gruesome Twosome – into front-and-center of every debate, every headline, every newsrag/mag cover.
Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann are the only two candidates with a visceral, clearly-evident hunger to dismantle this retro-collectivist Blue/Green monster. Paul’s neo-Kantian categorical imperative of “Any American military presence beyond its physical borders is wrong,” combined with his apparent belief that human volition no longer exists and therefore nobody will ever choose to do evil, would give Constitutional domestic policy, economic liberty and prosperity, strictly limited government – to a population reduced to smoking lumps of polycarboniferous sludge, baked to the pavement by any random thug with a nuke and a festering hatred of America and/or Western Civilization.
Which leaves us Bachmann. Followed by Cain, but only if he could be pursuaded to drop his third 9 in favor of 15-15.
I don’t know who comprises the group calling itself “Tea Party Nation,” but along with reexamining its unjustified moniker, it might focus on the obverse fact: 48% of their RINO respondents would **not** vote for Romney.
Look folks, **any** Republican running next year wins against Obama in a landslide. A bright nine-year-old could beat Obama in a landslide, and even the Democrat-Socialist Party faithful know it. (Which is why they’re plugging hard for the most compliant RINOs in the GOP lineup – the Scare Pair.)
What that means is that we, the true Republican rank-and-file, can pick the most thoroughgoing exponent of conservative / objectivist / libertarian convictions that’s present in the lineup. Paul is a true disappointment but a potentially-deadly one. Bachmann, for all her warts (such as the propensity to dine on her own feet,) is the best we’ve got to work with; **any** of the GOP candidates, even Perry or Gingrich, would be better for the cause of liberty than Romney. This country – and by extension Western Civilization – cannot afford another Bush/Dole/Bush/McCain-type RINO. In the unlikely yet comically-hyped event that Romney gets installed by the RINO Old Boys, it’s a toss-up as to whether I’ll throw a symbolic vote on Allen West, Steve Wynn or Janice Rogers Brown. At least my conscience will be clear.
There is only one statesman on either side that will tell the truth, good or bad and not cow down and BS the public to get votes … and that’s Ron Paul. He’s for the good of the nation, not the special interest groups. And that’s what we need.
… and I thought The Tea Party was anti-establishment. Mitt Romney is just more of the same. We are so brainwashed by “the establishment”, we become scared when we hear a different point of view. Ron Paul “sound bites” can be alarming to “the brainwashed” but when you INVEST in understanding The Constitution and why the Founders saw fit to write it as it is, all of a sudden EVERYTHING Ron Paul makes complete sense! Ron Paul IS the ONLY Politician running for President who is not bought. Let me say it again – RON PAUL IS THE ONLY CANDIDATE RUNNING IS NOT BOUGHT. If you want more of the same last 20 years, then vote for Mitt Romney!
Let’s remember that the “hill” is a notoriously left wing new world order
publication. Let’s also remember that “mitt” is a big gov. new world order
rat to. So it looks to me that the “hill” is only going to push a “republican”
candidate who is going to push the U.S. into the new world order abiss.
There fore you must look for the candidate they have not/ or are not pushhing.
And that candidate is Rep. Dr. Ron Paul!!!!
if ba-romney gets the nod, i will hold my nose and vote for this guy only to get the socialist out of office. if we can surround him with tea party peps, we can control him. keep the faxes and e and calls going to the sen’s and reps! i know i have my two sen’s on the ropes for voting for holder!!! call them out on everything!!!! the media SUCKS!!! thenkyou
The best man for the job in the GOP mix now is right in front of everybody’s face now and has been for years,, Newt Gingrich.
He has forgotten more about what it will take to get this country back on the right track than all the rest put together will ever know. They are trying to win the nomination with “pretty boy looks”, “We need a woman:, or catchy gimmicks. Can anybody say 999?
But good ole fat boy Newt, with all the solutions and answers, has been pigeon holed as being “so yesterday”. Un kewel, etc etc
But George Washington and Thomas Jefferson are so yesterday too.
But even Romney will be better than BHO. But then again Castro would be better than BHO, or at worst,, no different.
Four more years of BHO and it’s all over forever, there will be no elections after that,, no honest elections anyway.
Staln, or somebody said,,
‘It’s Not the People Who Vote that Count; It’s the People Who Count the Votes’
BHO and his comrades live by the same standards so Romney will easily get my vote if he is in te general,, I might get the opportunity to finally vote for my George Washington 2016 with Romney in the Oval Office,, but no way with BHO back in for four more.
So put BHO back in if you want to,, you grandchildren, in their new 3rd world country, the USSA, will really love you for that clever vote.
The neocons turned teocons are like cocroaches they get into everything. Can’t wait until they take over the occupy wall street bunch. Maybe they can turn those liberals on their head and get them to come out for perpetual war!
Mitt Romney is one of the most qualified people ever to run for the Presidency. He is accomplished in the private sector, the public sector and with NGOs.
He created thousands of jobs as a venture capitalist CEO of Bain Capital creating businesses such as Staples Office Supply, Sealy Mattress Company and, yes, Domino Pizza Chain. He was successful in rebuilding the 2002 Winter Olympics from a disaster of international financial corruption and drug abuse into a clean organization that attracted sponsors. The Olympics were a success that brought the Olympic Committee about $500 million in profits. He was successful in Massachusetts reducing the state’s unemployment rate from 5.6% to 4.5%, reducing the states $3 billion deficit and requiring people who could afford it to buy health insurance so they didn’t sponge off the state in Emergency rooms.
Anyone who things Obama and Romney are the same is displaying a degree of ignorance beyond belief. They should be ashamed of themselves.
If Romney is the nominee then we will once again be given a choice of bad and worse. The American people deserve better than that. I will not vote for Romney and if you people get to stupid I may just vote for obama. Now stop being idiots and nominate somebody decent.
The Tea Party can join #Occupy Wall Street as far as I’m concerned. These philosophically bankrupt buffoons would fit right in with the rest of the politically and economically illiterate. The Neocons, the War Party, and the previous generation, have absolutely sold us out. Ron Paul or bust.
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