Law Bans Cash for Second Hand Transactions
Liberty Thursday, October 20th, 2011By
Cold hard cash. It’s good everywhere you go, right? You can use it to pay for anything.
But that’s not the case here in Louisiana now. It’s a law that was passed during this year’s busy legislative session.
House bill 195 basically says those who buy and sell second hand goods cannot use cash to make those transactions, and it flew so far under the radar most businesses don’t even know about it.
“We’re gonna lose a lot of business,” says Danny Guidry, who owns the Pioneer Trading Post in Lafayette. He deals in buying and selling unique second hand items.
“We don’t want this cash transaction to be taken away from us. It’s an everyday transaction,” Guidry explains.
Guidry says, “I think everyone in this business once they find out about it. They’re will definitely be a lot of uproar.”
The law states those who buy or sell second hand goods are prohibited from using cash. State representative Rickey Hardy co-authored the bill.
Hardy says, “they give a check or a cashiers money order, or electronic one of those three mechanisms is used.”
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I had to pull out my CASH and make sure this phrase was still on its face.
That note, on our cash, makes that Louisiana law ILLEGAL.
LA is so unbelievably corrupt it beggars the imagination. What are local Tea Party groups doing about this?
Obviously this is another example of government overreach. They want to be able to monitor undocumented sales so they can tax them. Why don’t they concentrate as much energy on “undocumented” immigrants? Is it because this is no longer a government “by” and “for” the people?
taxes taxes taxes
Hooray for the cajuns, now they won’t have to use alligator skins anymore to buy a beer…..
I can’t believe somewhere besides here in California passed a corrupt law before us ?
Every headline on this site has been addressed by a Ron Paul principle. If the Tea Party, which Ron Paul People started before there was a Tea Party movement, continue to insist on embracing the likes of Romney, Cain and Perry as champions of “the cause” we all will be defying our professed TP principles of small government, less taxes and more freedom. Somehow the TP movement has to come to view Ron Paul as the only true Tea Party candidate and get beyond the main stream media manipulation and co-opting by the good ol boy Republican establishment club, of whose cloth Romney, Cain and Perry are cut from. This is the moment of truth for the movement. I hope it gets it right or the movement with become defiant to it’s own principles and a death spiral will surely ensue.