Ron Paul Media Blackout Confirmed

By John Hudson, The Atlantic

Ron Paul loyalists have been vindicated. After months of observations that the mainstream media was ignoring the libertarian standard-bearer, a new study by the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism shows just that: the Texas Congressman, who has consistently polled in the high single digits — Real Clear Politics’s aggregate poll currently has him at 8 percent — has received the least overall coverage of any candidate. From May 2 to October 9, Paul appeared as the “primary newsmaker in only 2% of all election stories.”

The study measured mainstream exposure by compiling a list of 52 mainstream news outlets across “newspapers, cable news, broadcast television, the 12 most popular news websites in the country, and radio news.” To register as a story about the candidate, he/she had to be the focus of at least 50 percent of the story. Interestingly, while Paul gained short shrift from the mainstream press, the blogosphere was an entirely different story, where the tone of his coverage was more favorable than for any other candidate:

Paul generated a good deal of attention on blogs, registering as the fifth most-discussed candidate with more than 89,000 opinions tracked about him.

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8 Comments for “Ron Paul Media Blackout Confirmed”

  1. ???? No article regarding Ron Paul’s Restore America Plan released yesterday in Las Vegas? Don’t tell me the Tea Party is blacking him out too. Have we forgotten that he is the godfather of the tea party.

  2. It’s about time a story like this was released. It’s only obvious that mainstream media reports what they want us to know, not what the truth is. What are they afraid of?

  3. It is no wonder people say he is “unelectable” and “there is no way he is going to be POTUS”. The sheeple get the President they deserve, which apparently is going to be more of the same. What we’ve been doing for the last 100 years hasn’t worked out so well and in fact seems to be getting worse. How about trying something new? Nah, we’ll just keep listening to the media instead of doing a bit of research on our own. Seriously? With the internet we can’t spare a couple of minutes to do some research before voting for arguably the most important position on the planet?

  4. I love Ron Paul.. It’s scarey that the people — especially the Republicans — can’t see that Paul is the best candidate this country could ever hope for.
    The overwhelming majority of amerikans lack the ability to think clearly. His ideas are not complex. They’re very simple ideas…..the best ones always are. Smaller government, sound money system, no ridiculous wars overseas…..everything the founding fathers set up. The amerikans have been so dumbed down and poisoned that they can only follow those who are the most corrupt, the ones who will destory them. Ron Paul 2012.

  5. The MSM is doing what they did during the last election, remember??

    The MSM will never remove their heads from their asses!

    Ron Paul

    Ron Paul 2012 or Regret? Which future will you vote for?

  7. Howard T. Lewis III

    the CFR was investigated buy Rep. Calloway and it’s meetings and activities recorded into the Congressional Record. The stated purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations was to control the minds of the American people by dominating the editorial pages, as well as direct news coverage, of the 25 most influencial news papers in the U.S.. This has progressed to controlling EVERY MAJOR NEWS AND OTHER BROADCASTING NETWORK. The CFR also has great interest in maintaing the Fed to keep the interest tribute flowing back to europe.

  8. After today the MSM will have no choice but to recognize Dr. Paul.

    Or maybe they’ll just admit the bias and turn up the heat. Either way, we win!


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