Gonzalez declares candidacy for Ron Paul’s seat
Liberty Wednesday, October 12th, 2011
From Friendwood Journal
Long time Friendswood resident Robert Gonzalez announced his candidacy Tuesday (Oct. 11) for the United States Congress in District 14. Gonzalez seeks to fill the seat currently held by Ron Paul, who earlier this year announced his retirement. Paul is currently running for President of the United States.
Gonzalez was born in Cuba, and spent the first eight years of his life there before legally immigrating to the United States. Growing up in a communist country, and seeing firsthand the devastating effect that living under totalitarian rule has on people, has helped shape who Gonzalez is, and also provides the fuel for his entry in the Congressional race.
“I know what socialism looks like because I lived it for eight years, and I see some of the same things happening in the United States as happened in Cuba. America is at a crossroads, and after truly living the American dream, I can no longer sit back and let what happened in Cuba happen here. I love America far too much to stand on the sidelines, and I intend for my Congressional run to sound an alarm with the American people that we can indeed lose our liberty if we do not fight to protect it”, Gonzalez said.
Gonzalez is currently the chairman of the Clear Lake Tea Party, and along with his wife of 28 years, Lisa, co-founded the group in 2009. The Clear Lake Tea Party is one of the most active and influential Tea Party organizations in the nation, with a membership of nearly 2,000 people.
To read more, visit: http://www.yourhoustonnews.com/friendswood/news/gonzalez-declares-candidacy-for-ron-paul-s-seat/article_eba6f627-6075-5e3a-8ff3-87eea806b94f.html
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