Tea party turns attention to congressional races

By Patricia Zengerle and Eric Johnson, Reuters

WASHINGTON — With their favored candidates for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination lagging or out of the race, many tea party activists are shifting focus to the struggle for control of the U.S. Senate.

The fizz has gone out of the presidential contest for some supporters of the fiscally conservative movement after former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s announcement that she is not running and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann’s trouble in the polls.

“No one is going to get perfection in a general election candidate. That is why we think the Senate is a better place to focus,” said Matt Kibbe, president and chief executive of FreedomWorks, a tea party group.

In the 2010 midterm elections, tea party opposition to President Barack Obama’s policies played a big role in slashing the Democrats’ majority in the 100-member Senate to six seats and eliminating their majority in the House of Representatives.

With 23 of the 33 Senate seats up for grabs next year now held by Democrats and a wave of dissatisfaction with incumbents, tea party activists said they expect more Republican gains in 2012.

“We’ll maintain the House without a problem. We absolutely have to take back the Senate and focus on that and not let presidential politics consume all of our time and energy,” said Amy Kremer, chairwoman of the California-based Tea Party Express political action committee.

To read more, visit:  http://www.chicagotribune.com/site/newspaper/news/sc-nw-1010-tea-party-20111010,0,4646090.story

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4 Comments for “Tea party turns attention to congressional races”

  1. Ron Paul.

  2. Sheila Maulding

    Please don’t give up. Yes, we must focus on the Senate but no one can change executive orders SHOVED down the American peoples throat.. This president must go NO MATTER WHAT. He is against what America stand for and what it its founded on. His whole administration is corrupt and we must not faulter or fail in getting them out of the PEOPLES HOUSE. With Pelosi and Obama already publically agreeing with the protesters, it was unamerican to them with us. We must be stronger than him. No single one canidate will be perfect but we do have some that are ELECTABLE and know what the crap they are doing. DO NOT LET PELOSI’s WORDS COME TRUE THAT THIS IS A FRINGE MOVEMENT. Stand strong and together. Its is what we must do.

  3. Agreed, Ron Paul.

  4. FreedomWorks pretends to be tea party.. No true teaparty member would have voted for Palin or Bachmann.. Ditto for Perry and Cain. In-name-only teapartiers, they are all riding on the coat tails of the grassroots movement using the 15% of the Constitution they believe in to try to snare true TPs. It won’t work..

    Ron Paul 2012


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