Ron Paul wins Values Voter straw poll
2012 Elections, Breaking News, Headlines Saturday, October 8th, 2011By Gautham Nagesh – The Hill
Rep. Ron Paul (Texas) handily won the straw poll for Republican presidential candidates at the Values Voter Summit on Saturday, with the socially conservative crowd giving businessman Herman Cain and former Sen. Rick Santorum (Penn.) second and third places.
Paul, a libertarian-leaning Republican, came in first with 37 percent of the vote, continuing his success among grassroots activists. Paul’s supporters were out in force on Saturday morning for his speech, where he emphasized the role of his faith in informing his policy views.
Florida businessman Herman Cain kept his campaign’s momentum going by finishing second with 23 percent of the vote. Cain, who has surged toward the top of the field since winning a conservative straw poll in Florida last month, stole the show on Friday and appears to have gained some traction among the Republican voters.
Santorum was also greeted warmly on Friday and expected to do well given his strong emphasis on conservative social issues. He finished third with 16 percent.
Rep. Michelle Bachmann (Minn.), who won this cycles first straw poll in Iowa, took fourth place with 8 percent in the Values Voter poll.
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The article above sparked some thought and rekindled a dialog I have been having with a friend about the polls and what they tell us or, should I say what they, DON’T tell us. It’s no secret that the media has control of the information we use to shape our opinion and what you are about to read is just the “tip of the iceberg” of information available on the subject. Here is an related article with the same theme.
Paul wins Values Voters straw poll, Cain in 2nd
The Associated Press
Updated: 2011-10-08
Rep. Ron Paul of Texas is the top presidential pick of the thousands of social conservatives who are meeting this weekend, winning 37 percent in a non-binding straw poll.
Georgia businessman Herman Cain came in second at the Values Voters Summit in Washington with 23 percent and former Sen. Rick Santorum placed third with 16 percent in Saturday’s straw poll among the Republicans’ White House contenders.
Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and Gov. Rick Perry of Texas tied with 8 percent.
Paul, making his second run at the GOP nomination, regularly fares well in such straw polls because his fervent supporters flock to the events to give him wins. Yet Paul trails other better known candidates such as Perry and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in traditional polls.
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I like the way the writer, from a Christian organization, states the obvious, if you wanted the truth, about why who wins these so called “Polls.”
“Yet Paul trails other better known candidates such as Perry and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in traditional polls.”
Imagine that! “Traditional Polls” It’s a wonder Fox, NBC, CBS, and ABC aren’t after this guy with tar and feathers for pointing out the obvious. THE SKEW RESULTS OF POLLS! Let’s dig a little deeper…
Here is information I recently received from a friendly researcher that has documented his findings on a recent CBS Poll:
This poll was conducted by telephone from September 28-October 2, 2011 among 1,012 adults nationwide. 903 interviews were conducted with registered voters and 324 with voters who said they plan to vote in a Republican primary.
Phone numbers were dialed from samples of both standard land-line and cell phones. The error due to sampling for results based on the entire sample could be plus or minus three percentage points. The margin of error for the sample of registered voters could be plus or minus three points and six points for the sample of Republican primary voters. The error for subgroups may be higher. This poll release conforms to the Standards of Disclosure of the National Council on Public Polls
October 4, 2011 6:30 PM
Herman Cain raises Rick Perry slides in new CBS News poll
By Brian Montopoli
(Credit: CBS/Getty)
CBS News Poll analysis by the CBS News Polling Unit: Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus and Anthony Salvanto.
Herman Cain has moved into a tie with Mitt Romney atop the field of Republican presidential candidates, according to a new CBS News poll, while Rick Perry has fallen 11 percentage points in just two weeks.
My Observations- in 5 days they only called 1012 adults “Nationwide” and conducted 903 interviews. Out of 903 interviews they only conducted 324 “registered” voters plan to vote in the “republican primary.” I wonder how much “custom” work was done to maintain such low numbers. Truth is we can’t trust polls no matter what. Here’s why-
Even when they don’t massage the final results, I am constantly hearing information being left out. In one case, FOX news reported the first, second third and fifth place winners of a poll and totally left out the fourth place winner of the poll. Know who it was? Ron Paul. Imagine that.
Well why do you think such a thing Randy? You are just another wacky Ron Paul supporter pushing your agenda on the rest of us! I believe, as well as others, the Media along with Washington DC and those that control the Government, are scared of Ron Paul and the effect he will have on the money changers. Ron Paul does not cower down to the big banks in fact he wants to get the United States out from under control of the biggest bank in the world- The Federal Reserve and all it (and who) represents.
Let me ask you something. Why do (or did) you get up every weekday and go to work?
You had to have an income to support your family… FOR THE MONEY!
Do you really think Government follows a different set of rules for doing what they do?
Of COURSE NOT! EVERYTHING WE DO is about the M-O-N-E-Y and the Government isn’t one bit different.
Here is another point- Nothing happens by accident in Washington!
Remember that statement when you hear about something in the news concerning Government action on a particular issue. It may sound like a dumb idea at the moment but there is always a reason.
I digress, let’s get back on point. Polls are not always what they seem to be. Here are two polls that appear to ask for the same information but when you study them, and know a little more about the Constitution, you learn they do not ask for the same information at all!
A simple one question poll from USA Today read:
“Does the Second Amendment give individuals the right to bear arms?”
My Observation- This link looks like it has been around since 2007 but it made its rounds again this past week. Here is the problem I have. I voted “No” but the overwhelming votes were “YES” in this poll. By now you are saying, well why did you vote No? Everyone knows the Second Amendment is about Gun Rights! Yes they are but the Second Amendment give them to me? That answer is NO! Here’s why- my “Gun Rights” (capitol R) doesn’t come from the Constitution. My Gun Rights have been endowed to me by my creator. GOD
The 2nd Amendment simply secures that right for me by stating at the end “shall not be infringed.”
Here is a poll which better states the question:
“Do you believe the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the Rights of Americans to own a gun, or do you believe it only guarantees members of state militias such as National Guard Units the Right to own a gun?”
The overwhelming results are yes for American’s a few voted for the National Guard and there were a few undecided’s.
So what makes the second poll question better than the first poll question Randy?
Simple answer, the second question asks if I thought the Constitution protects one of my Rights (big R again) and yes it does, the first just asks if gave me a “Right” and no it doesn’t. Not a Right concerning the Second Amendment anyway.
So what does all this mean?
The Media, if you are letting them into you head, are skewing the way YOU think by reporting the information they want YOU to have.
We have lost our critical thinking skills and we just let the media take over our minds to help form our opinions. That makes it easy and saves us from having to “think” about what they are really saying (or not saying) and it moves us in a direction we may not want to go. That’s why it is important for me, you and everyone you know, to start using critical thinking skills and question those making policy and laws that govern us at every level.
All of the above, points out one important fact. We cannot trust the media, polls, most politicians and other liars that want to manipulate and control our thinking!
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Glad to see Ron Paul’s win & that you reported it. The rest of the media just gave it token lip service but devoted their time to the Christians v. the Mormons.
Time for people to WAKE-UP & support Ron Paul!!!!!!!!!!
How much did it cost him? Frankly his opinions about nukes for Iran and North Korea and the recent execution of a terrorist who was an American, but a known and provable “TRAITOR” to our country are short sighted and naive. The stand Sen. Paul has on foreign policy and making America an isolationist nation plce us ad the world in jeopardy.
Most of the MSM focused on the fact that Ron Paul is good at organizing straw polls.
What do they think voting is? Derp, derp.
Ron Paul 2012!
outside of the fact that Ron Paul is a whack job the tactics his supporters use leave a lot to be desired.They stuffed ballots for this one.
Whether you like Paul or not, he seems to be the only candidate seeking the truth. The other are bought and paid for talking bobble head dolls.
Thanks for reporting Ron Paul’s win – he deserves it. His ideas are not complex. They’re very simple ideas…..the best ones always are. Smaller government, sound money system, no ridiculous wars overseas…..everything the founding fathers set up. We are really lucky to have Ron Paul running for office – its our job to keep spreading his work (since mass media will not) and support him. He is the ONLY one that is geniune honest and cares about America. If you look at the other candidates – what coporations support them (which are alot of the same ones that support Obama)…then you will see who is “bought” and who is not. Ron is NOT FOR SALE.