Is Christie conservative enough for Tea Party?

By Mark Egan, Edith Honan and Steve Holland, Reuters

NEW YORK/WASHINGTON – Is tough-talking Republican Chris Christie tough enough for the Tea Party?

Christie’s potential entry into a 2012 White House race dominated by conservatives would electrify the campaign but trigger scrutiny of his record as a Republican governor in heavily Democratic New Jersey.

Hailed by conservatives for staring down public employee unions in New Jersey, he may face questions about whether his beliefs on such hot-button issues as illegal immigration and climate change match up with the conservative Tea Party movement expected to play an important role in choosing the Republican nominee.

“I think there is an interesting possibility that the more people look at him, the more people will have concerns,” said Ryan Rhodes, chairman of the Tea Party in Iowa, a key early voting state.

“A lot of people see everybody as Superman until they get in the race, and all of a sudden they are just Clark Kent,” Rhodes said.

After ruling out a presidential run for months, Christie is now said to be wavering under pressure from Republican donors unhappy with the current field. The New York Post said he might announce his candidacy as early as Monday.

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7 Comments for “Is Christie conservative enough for Tea Party?”

  1. If he is a eastern republican then he probably leans toward being a RINO no matter how tough he talks to the unions….He needs to get some time at being the Gov and satisfy his constituents.

  2. Christie is way to cozy with the Moslems. He recently chastised voters who were concerned about the Islamic influences and Sharia Law which are creeping into US society over riding our own LAW. He is no conservative in my book. Just a typical RINO who is influence by big money Moslems.

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  4. I don’t get it this guy does nothing for me sure he can take on unions so what! He gets Ann Coulter all wet and gives Hannity a tingle but they are just a couple of neo cons anyway. Chris Christie is right up there with Al Gore and Obama on the whole climate change bull-crap. I am sure he will continue the never ending war cycle in the middle east please just stay in Jersey the rest of the country does not need you! Oh by the way I happen to love my Muslim friends. There are too many people lumping all Muslims with the nut-jobs stop it. That is why the tea party is getting the reputation of being racist. I have seen our local Muslim community spring into action to help people in need faster than those who hate them on several occasions. The talk of Sharia law is thrown out there just to scare the weak minded and stoke the flames of hate.

  5. Are you joking!?

    New Jersey Conservatives who know Christie and his record took the time and effort to put out this eight part report. The least we can do is read it and pass it around;

    Chris Christie – A Conservative Myth

    Part 1 – Budget Myths
    Part 2 – Unions and State Employees
    Part 3 – Conservative Appointees
    Part 4 – Political Endorsements
    Part 5 – Cap & Trade and “Green Technology”
    Part 6 – Gov. Christie and Obamacare
    Part 7 – Illegal Aliens, Gun Control and the GZ Mosque
    Part 8 – A Conservative Myth Exposed


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