Tea Party pushes schools to teach Constitution, meet federal mandate

By Christopher Rosacker, TheUnion.com

Dressed as protesting hippies, fifth-grade students at Deer Creek Elementary School were not just light-heartedly entertaining the entire student body at the small Nevada City school; they were fulfilling a federal mandate.

Students at Grass Valley’s Bear River High School did the same, participating in a scavenger hunt. So did students at Margaret Scotten and Lyman Gilmore schools, who watched “School House Rock.”

Members of the Nevada County Tea Party Patriots seek to ensure other area schools fall in line this week with a federal law requiring schools to teach some sort of educational program on Constitution Day related to the United States Constitution.

Public Law 108-447 directs “(e)ach educational institution that receives federal funds … shall hold an educational program on the U.S. Constitution on Sept. 17 (Constitution Day) of such year for the students served by the educational institution.”

Since Constitution Day fell on a Saturday this year, educators may fulfill the requirement in the week before or after the actual observance, the California Department of Education advised.

Whereas this once little-known law was not initially paid much notice, local Tea Party members have campaigned to ensure schools are in compliance as part of a nationally dictated adopt-a-school “action plan” to “pressure” schools to teach the Constitution, according to the grassroots organization’s website.

To read more, visit:  http://www.theunion.com/article/20110921/NEWS/110929990/1001&parentprofile=105

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