GOP leadership faces possible tea party revolt in 2012

By John Rossomando, The Daily Caller

Tea party activist David Lewis’s announcement Friday that he plans to mount a primary challenge to House Speaker John Boehner could indicate a larger problem for the GOP leadership, and point to restlessness among an important segment of the tea party faithful.

Republican leaders face a growing perception among some tea party factions that they are not interested in holding the Obama administration’s feet to the fire on spending. Some say the Republicans talked a good game going into the 2010 midterms but have failed to deliver since winning control of the House of Representatives.

“Everybody knows that the debt ceiling deal was a completely fraudulent deal,” Mark Meckler, national coordinator of the Tea Party Patriots, told The Daily Caller. “We were told that if we passed this deal we wouldn’t be downgraded, but we were still downgraded.”

Meckler warns that Republicans and Democrats could both face an electoral bloodbath in the 2012 primaries if they do not do more to hold the line on taxes and spending.

“What we have here in Washington, D.C. is, one, people who are just stupid, or two, they are lying,” Meckler said. “I think it’s both. They don’t understand economics, and they’re lying.”

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3 Comments for “GOP leadership faces possible tea party revolt in 2012”

  1. I agree!!!!! If the republicans run any one of the folks that are in their “love me” mode, then, WE will ABSOLUTELY come along with a 3rd party, or, we will split the ticfket and oh yes, barry soetero wins again. I couldn’t believe the 2010 newbies, all except 33, went to DC to keep the status quo at all costs. One of those costs will be their political careers. Not only has nothing changed, but, everything has gotten worse. And, to hear the words…”the lesser of two evils”, just makes our blood boil!!!!!
    WAKE UP, REPUBLICANS….the ball is in your court now!!!!!

  2. Another reason is the endorsement of flawed candidates. What Conservative Republican would EVER vote for a candidate that made his fortune by outsourcing American jobs?? Or was a member of the Green Party?? That is exactly what ny’s CD1 is offering up. You have got to be kidding me!!!!!

  3. Our politicians who offer they’re aligned with the Tea Party and then vote against us are absolutely begging for a patriot primary challenger – And we better deliver them or we will have failed on our watch being the generation recorded in history books as the ones who lost America’s freedom. This may sound dramatic to the ignorant, it’s not.

    However, my information has it that David Lewis has only one issue as his agenda to challenge Boehner on. The same issue which threw the ’08 election into total confusion leaving us with a RINO like McCain. That single issue is abortion. The Tea Party can’t use single-minded, priority depraved primary challengers.


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