GOP divided over tea party movement
Activism, Headlines Friday, September 16th, 2011By: CNN Political Unit
Washington (CNN) – The Republican Party is split right down the middle between tea party movement supporters and those who do not support the two-and-a-half-year-old movement, according to a new national survey.
And a CNN/ORC International Poll released Thursday also highlights the differences in demographics, ideology, and temperament between the two camps. According to the survey, on some issues, the two wings of the GOP are in accord, but tea party activists and supporters do not speak for the entire Republican Party on issues such as the deficit, global warming, evolution, abortion, gay marriage, the Federal Reserve, the Department of Education, or Social Security.
“Demographically, the tea party movement seems to hearken back to the ‘angry white men’ who were credited with the GOP’s upset victory in the 1994 midterm elections,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. “Ideologically, it effectively boils down to the century-old contest between the conservative and moderate wings of the party.”
According to the survey, roughly half (49 percent) of Republicans and independents who lean towards the GOP say they support the tea party movement or are active members, with roughly half (51 percent) saying that they have no feelings one way or another about the tea party or that they oppose the movement.
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Nothing is figured out yet.
Poor GOP has the same problem as the DNC; just can’t figure out who it wants to point the guns at most and how much more in debt we need to go to do it.. nice to be a libertarian, our answer is always the same: “Nobody” to the first and “Pay your damn bills” to the second.
Having been a delegate to the GOP, I found that the individuals in the party agree with that which the Tea Party stands, the elite of the party, however, abhor it. It would mean a loss of control and step backwards from the one world order toward which they march. The GOP elites think they can coddle and woo us away from the principle of freedom. Are you going to dring the kool-aid?