Bellevue v. Bloomberg: NYC shootings another gun control failure
Gun Rights Tuesday, September 6th, 2011By Dave Workman, Seattle Gun Rights Examiner
Labor Day weekend in New York City saw 46 people get shot, one of them fatally, and now the Bellevue-based Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says the casualty count amounts to “a pitiful demonstration of the abject failure of Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun policies.”
CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb issued a statement early Tuesday morning that rakes Bloomberg, and New York gun laws, over the proverbial coals. He did not mince words:
“Mayor Bloomberg has advocated New York-style gun control for everyone, everywhere. After this weekend, Bloomberg is going to have a hard time pandering his gun control agenda.”
One of the shooting incidents occurred near where Bloomberg was marching in a Brooklyn parade. It is not clear why the suspect, who was apprehended, started shooting.
While Bloomberg, who co-founded Mayors Against Illegal Guns, will undoubtedly use the bloody weekend as a launch vehicle for a new round of gun control rhetoric, it may be a good time to ask the mayor why he thinks new gun restrictions will stop shootings, when existing laws against homicide, assault with firearms and illegally packing guns in the Big Apple did not prevent a single incident. Gottlieb seems to have that one already figured out, however:
“New York’s mayor is the Pied Piper of Prohibition. Nearly four dozen shootings over a three-day weekend is proof positive that Bloomberg’s tune is seriously off-key. It is time for Mayor Bloomberg and other gun control extremists to admit that their strategies have failed. He has been running around the country blaming gun laws in other states for his city’s crime problems, but it is the laws of his own jurisdiction that have failed miserably, and he knows it.”
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