The South Central LA Tea Party Proves Leftist Lies
Activism Thursday, July 14th, 2011
By Tony Katz, Pajamas Media
Since the inception of the Tea Party, its members – millions of Americans from all walks of life – have been battling the calculated and crafted lies that it, and its members, are racists.
We’ve seen the meme repeated and supposedly proven by a series of Racers, Racists and Race-hustlers, including Janeane Garofalo, Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Al Sharpton, Van Jones and the staff at NPR.
What a shock and a surprise for them when it was announced on Facebook yesterday that Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, a black man, is leading a Tea Party rally and protest, “…to expose the lies and misinformation of the NAACP in Los Angeles…” He even announced the formation of the “black led” South Central LA Tea Party. The event is scheduled for Sunday, July 24th from 2pm to 4pm.
If you don’t know Jesse Lee Peterson, he is what Hard-Core Leftist Progressives would call a traitor. For those of us who are actually accepting, Peterson is the founder of BOND – The Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny. The group, as identified by their Wikipedia page, is, “…dedicated to a conservative agenda among African Americans.” He is also the author of SCAM – How Black Leadership Exploits Black America. (Peterson is also the creator of the National Day of Repudiation of Jesse Jackson, just to add to his bona fides!)
Often, members of the Tea Party are asked to name, point out or show off members of color to prove that the Tea Party isn’t racist. That practice is absurd, as to start pointing fingers based on color takes away from the bigger picture; we’re all in this together! We don’t judge people on color, nor do we judge the legitimacy of our events or rallies by the number of black or brown faces in the audience. That is the purview of the Left! There is more openness and welcoming spirit at any Tea Party in America than there is at a Media Matters for America open house, or, as the NAACP recently purported, CNN.
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[...] proudly lists his other bona fides: He is also the author of SCAM – How Black Leadership Exploits Black [...]
[...] proudly lists his other bona fides: He is also a author of SCAM – How Black Leadership Exploits Black America. [...]