Administration to propose steps on gun safety

By Associated Press, USA Today

WASHINGTON (AP) — Six months after Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot, the White House is preparing to propose some new steps on gun safety, though they’re likely to fall short of the bold measures activists would like to see.

Anti-gun groups have been disappointed to see no action so far from President Barack Obama, who supported tough gun control measures earlier in his career but fell largely silent upon becoming president. Some activists were using the opportunity of the six-month anniversary of the Giffords shooting on Friday to speak up.

Spokesman Jay Carney said that the new steps would be made public “in the near future.” He didn’t offer details, but people involved in talks at the Justice Department to craft the new measures said they expected to see something in the next several weeks. Whatever is proposed is not expected to involve legislation or take on major issues like banning assault weapons but could include executive action to strengthen the background check system or other steps.

The shooting rampage in Tucson, Arizona, killed six people and wounded more than a dozen others, including Giffords. Two months later, Obama wrote an opinion piece in Giffords’ local paper, the Arizona Daily Star, calling for “sound and effective steps” to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, including strengthening background checks. So far the president has done nothing and administration officials have signaled that no major steps should be expected, given the climate in Congress against gun legislation of any kind.

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2 Comments for “Administration to propose steps on gun safety”

  1. Gun safety???? You mean that shooting was an accident? If you really want to keep guns out of the hands of criminials, shut down the AFT and get Obozzo and Holder off of the street.

  2. [...] RE Tea Party » Gun Rights         [...]


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