City officials turn red light cameras back on after voters reject them


The city of Houston will turn its red-light cameras back on today, Mayor Annise Parker announced after this morning’s City Council meeting.

According to a statement from the mayor’s office, tickets will be issued after a “short period of equipment testing.”

Houston voters approved a referendum to turn off the cameras in November, but a federal judge ruled last month that it had been improperly placed on the ballot, rendering the results invalid. As a result, the city faced a choice to turn the cameras back on or canceling its contract with American Traffic Solutions, which could cost the city $16 million.

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5 Comments for “City officials turn red light cameras back on after voters reject them”

  1. George Washington

    Wow what a crappy system we have sometimes. The city does not want them anymore, but it is either screw the towns people or pay 16 million to some company.

  2. Government is not reason, nor eloquence, it is force. Like fire it’s a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
    George Washington.

  3. Houstonians have a choice: Pay the fines, or rip the cameras down themselves.

    When it costs more to replace/repair those cameras than those cameras generate in revenue, the city and/or company will take them down.

    • Texas,

      I agree with you. There comes a time when if talk and appeasement do not stop the corruption, matters must be handled on a more physical nature. It is the law of the universe as to how things work and how for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.


  4. Prime example of how the Red Light Cameras are all about the company making money and not about traffic enforcement.

    I am SO glad Carrollton TX city council rejected Red Light cameras for that very reason.


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