Bachmann: Obama Thinks “Tea Party Made Up Of Toothless Hillbillies”

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), GOP presidential candidate, warned President Obama to “be afraid of the tea party.”

“They want you to think that the tea party is made up of toothless hillbillies coming down out of the hills wearing red, white and blue. But the fact is, they should be afraid of the tea party,” Bachmann said at a campaign rally in Iowa.

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3 Comments for “Bachmann: Obama Thinks “Tea Party Made Up Of Toothless Hillbillies””

  1. All hail to Astroturf TeaBparty Queen (ATQ), Michele Bachmann. Isn’t she the one that who rails against the Federal Government while every year she benefits from Federal Medicaid Payments for her Clinic, Federal farm subsidies (talk about a Corporate Welfare Queen), and adopts kids to work them on same farm. Oh yeah she is also a self-proclaimed historian on the US Founding Fathers and US history. The sad truth she will lie to get her way, what honor is there in that? But if you manipulate our US history and double down when you are found out, well don’t go crying to Fake News when you lose. Kind of like the Former half-term Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (Most recent quitter of her Bus Tour to restore America). We remember what happen when after “W” manipulate Florida (w/ the help of brother Jebb) to win the presidency and his failure to win any of the two wars he started that devastated our treasury and ruined our economy for the next 50 years. If the GOP thinks that Michele Bachmann is the answer, good luck with that. After her “John Wayne” mishap and Tom Petty, calling her a thief, well you know, same old Bachmann, you have a winner GOP.

    • Montana,

      Wow, it is nice to have someone say the things I would like to say about the present darling, Michele Bachmann. Do not worry though. She is only there as fluff since there is still plenty of time to get the elites’ preferred candidate, Bilderberg attendee while in the governor’s office about 4 years ago, Rick Perry in the running. First it was Mitt Romney, but you see how the public has acted over him. It has been the media who has put him in the “front runner” position just like they did last time around with the local 9/11 kingpin, Rudolph Guiliani. The system has to have enough actors around to keep the sheeple confused by keeping them amused. Guiliani enjoyed his being back out in the public limelight, something he had lost at that time, and also get a public paid-for tour around the parts of the country he wanted to visit. Romney is acting the same way now.

      No, by the very words used by “them” as to why Congressman Ron Paul will not be elected, Bachmann is not eligible to be the president either. She is a Representative, a member of the House, a Congresswoman. “They” say that only senators or governors have ever been elected. So all the hype is just to let us know what a beautiful woman can generate. Actually, she is doing good for my business career in that respect.

      Besides the fact that Bachmann is for the Patriot Act and all the things that you mention, I feel she is a disrespectful child in the respect that she has shown Ron Paul no respect when it comes to the Tea Party name/movement. Did you watch what she said during that phony June 13th debate? She laid claim to be the Tea Party darling and did it right in front of Ron Paul who is the father of the organization. Some of the problem is that Ron Paul let her get away with it and that is somewhat worrisome to me, but that is a different story.

      No, the end of the primary is going to be against the elites’ chosen one, Rick Perry and just like the last time, the people’s choice, Ron Paul. After Bachmann brings in the on-the-fence people, she will back out and then have her supporters back Perry.

      It is time for Sarah Palin to live up to her commitment and be for the real Tea Party and endorse Ron Paul. Endorsement generally is taken to mean putting your career on the line. She did it with Rand Paul even though it was done to give her power within the Tea Party, but now she should go the next step and endorse the symbol of the people for liberty himself.


  2. So not only is the TEA Party’s Saturday night escort, oh I meant date, going to be the next President.LOL. She is also a mind reader? I must have been under the wrong impresion about you “conservative, toothless hillbillies. Just kidding I’ve seen some of you with teeth. And by the way-Sarah Palin- “really” is that the best you have? She hasn’t finished anything since quit as Governor of the state of Alaska.


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