Bachmann tied with Romney in Iowa

By JENNIFER JACOBS, The Des Moines Register

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann sit atop the standings in the year’s first Des Moines Register Iowa Poll on the Republican presidential field.

Romney, the national front-runner and a familiar face in Iowa after his 2008 presidential run, attracts support from 23 percent of likely Republican caucus-goers. Bachmann, who will officially kick off her campaign in Iowa on Monday, nearly matches him, with 22 percent.

“She’s up there as a real competitor and a real contender,” said Republican pollster Randy Gutermuth, who is unaffiliated with any of the presidential candidates. “This would indicate that she’s going to be a real player in Iowa.”

Former Godfather’s CEO Herman Cain, who has never held public office but has found a following among tea party supporters, comes in third, with 10 percent.

The other candidates tested register in single digits: former U.S. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and Texas Rep. Ron Paul, 7 percent each; former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, 6 percent; former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, 4 percent; and former Utah Gov. and ambassador to China Jon Huntsman, 2 percent.

Pawlenty has spent 26 days in Iowa during this election cycle, has hired an A-list team of Iowa campaign operatives and was the first major candidate to air television ads in Iowa.

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1 Comment for “Bachmann tied with Romney in Iowa”

  1. This is media lying at its best. Michele Bachmann cannot have any percentage IF SHE JUST BECAME OFFICIALLY a candidate. Mitt Romney is doing what Guiliani did the last time around and is just enjoying the media attention. He is sitting back and playing the game. In his place, Bilderberg has already accepted Rick Perry as their final darling. It is up to us, the real Tea Party Ron Paul clan to gather in numbers and make sure that Ron Paul is the chosen one. Any negative results, like this article says, should be gone after. Words from our side mean nothing to those in more control than we presently are.

    It amuses me how the media says Herman Cain is a Tea Party favorite. The Tea Party is a movement first of all, and that movement is based on Ron Paul’s agendas, not anyone elses. Not Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin or Rick Perry. The Tea Party people who are following those other than Ron Paul, who has never changed his issues, are not Tea Party people at all and it is up to us to get this truth out. They are brilliantly using the name falsely.

    What is wrong with the media hiding Herman Cain’s “ownership” of the Federal Reserve? Someone should be able to answer that rather than me. The Tea Party (movement) people are against the Federal Reserve and Herman Cain ran one of them. That is something that cannot be by definition. I wish Ron Paul would start bringing that out.



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