TSA changes pat-down procedures for young kids
Breaking News, Headlines, Privacy Rights Thursday, June 23rd, 2011
By Associated Press, MSNBC.com
WASHINGTON — The government has made a change in its policy for patting down young children at airport checkpoints, and more are promised.
Airport security workers will now be told to make repeated attempts to screen young children without resorting to invasive pat-downs, the head of the Transportation Security Administration said Wednesday. The agency is working to put that change in place around the country, and it should reduce, but not eliminate, pat-downs for children, an agency spokesman said.
There was public outrage in April over a video of a 6-year-old girl getting a pat-down in the New Orleans airport. She was patted down, John Pistole said, because she moved during the electronic screening, causing a blurry image.
That kind of pat-down was put in place partly because of the Nigerian man who got past airport security, boarded a plane with explosives hidden in his underpants and tried to use the bomb to bring down the airliner over Detroit on Christmas 2009.
But this screening has been criticized as being too intrusive and an unnecessary measure for children and older people who seem to pose no terror threat.
Last month, a picture of a baby being patted down at Kansas City International Airport gained worldwide attention as well. The baby’s stroller set off an alert of possible traces of explosives, so the screeners were justified in taking a closer look at the boy cradled in his mother’s arms, the agency said.
To read more, visit: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/43496079/ns/travel-news/?gt1=43001
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“TSA changes pat-down procedures for young kids”…
For the second time, although they never really changed them when they first announced it last year…
I’d rather take a chance on getting blown-up than pay for and put up with the TSA.
The safety of passenger planes should be the responsibility of the airlines. They have an incentive far beyond what someone with a 9 to 5 job has. If the government fails to protect us, so what, no one gets fired, no one loses money. If the airlines fail to protect us, they will lose their money and their jobs. I believe the party with the most to lose should handle security. Besides, with the airlines in charge of security their travelers will pay for that security, not those that don’t fly. That seems more fairer to me.
I agree with both commenters before me, MJ and Kevin. That is bull about “all of sudden changes are going to be made”. The people believe that and will not even let it register that such claims have been made since last year. Yes, that is plural. It was done more than once and the two head people (the man’s name I cannot remember off hand and Janet Napolitano) came right out in public and said that no changes were going to be made, They were lying though because it only has gotten worse.
That Underwear Bomber has already been proven to have been a C.I.A. stooge and yet these groping atrocities are still allowed. It is known that Paul Wolfowitz (bad spelling) from the Bush regime owned a large percentage of the scanner company and the scanners were already made just waiting for the “bomb” to fall, yet the people and our representatives do nothing since they can order those who control the guns to put a stop to the abusers rather than using them on us.
We have problems. What we know of all these bad things obviously is only a very small percentage. Most likely not only is there hundreds of times more of these abuses being done, but statistics would affirm that there has to be even worse things done to people that are hidden under all costs.
The TSA is bending to pressure because they hope the American people will be placated and not demand that their state and local governments do something about it. What’s happening in Texas and what happened in Orlando (where the TSA was kicked out of the airport) is concerning to them. If the people realize that we don’t have to take this and we can make the feds back down there’s no telling how far the people will go in undermining the big government tyranny.
It would be nice if what you say were true. Not only was it odd that anything was done at least in words, but since you wrote this, I am sure you must beware of what the T.S.A. did to a 95 year imbilent woman and a 91 yr old WWII veteran who had schrapnel inside of him. They forced him to take off all his clothes just like the Nazis did to the Jews back in his time when he put his life on the line to stop such atrocity. That schrapnel strip, and I mean they said declothed entirely, even his socks, I believe, might not be children, but it is apparent that the T.S.A. is not going to stop unless there is physical resistance. Talking is obviously just being laughed at. People with such power are corrupted and such corruption needs harsh measures to stop as any other criminally done action, which these are.