Ron Paul bids high at Ames Straw Poll auction
2012 Elections, Breaking News Thursday, June 23rd, 2011By ALEXANDER BURNS, Politico
The bidding is over at the Iowa GOP’s Ames real estate auction and Ron Paul has emerged a winner.
A source tells Maggie that Paul placed the highest bid for a straw poll location, coming away with the spot Mitt Romney had in 2008. The low bidder of sorts was Newt Gingrich, who was represented by a young volunteer and ultimately did not place a bid at all.
Craig Robinson has more:
-Ron Paul was the highest bidder for a lot for $31,000.00
-McCotter bought a lot for $18,000.00, he was the second highest bidder
-Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain where the next highest bidders, with each getting a lot for $17,000.00.
-Rick Santorum spent $16,000.00 for his lot.
-Pawlenty ended up spending $15,000.00 for a less desirable lot.
-Newt Gingrich was represented at the meeting but did not bid.
- Overall the Iowa GOP $114,000
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Apparently I have to do more studying, but in the meantime, is there anyone who can explain to me what all this talk about lots and bidding is all about? Is this not just like other straw polls or conferences where the politicians talk about their issues?
Thank you and if someone does give an answer, I apologize if I cannot find my way back here to see it. If I do, I will respond.
Rhonda, the candidates were bidding on where their campaign stuff will be set up at the straw poll. You can bid lower on a spot that is off to the side. If you want a better location, near the entrance or right in the middle of things, you must be willing to bid higher.
Darn. I had no idea that if you write in the wrong CAPTCHA that when it restarts, your comment is gone plus it does not start back up under the reply section as I had it. So please look below. Tnx.
Rhonda — Politico has a good breakdown of the Ames Straw Poll Auction:
The Iowa Republican Party will start the countdown clock today for the Aug. 13 Ames straw poll, holding what is effectively a real estate auction among the presidential candidates for space at the event. The party has provided the 2012 campaigns with maps of the straw poll grounds, including the possible spots that candidates can occupy there. The cost of a spot is $15,000 – but not all spots are created equal, with some closer to the main entrance, and the bidding only increases from there.
Read more:
Hello Gadsden,
Fancy having you out here explaining this. It is obvious that you realize that I must not be the only one who was unaware as to these details of this straw poll (conference or fair). Personally, though, I feel honored.
While you are here and most likely read all comments posted here, allow me to say something that I have owed you for weeks. I owe you an apology directly over me saying when I first came here thinking that you were the one writing these horrid things against the Tea Party people and of course Ron Paul. Your website is a fine one and personally I like the fact that you do not force one to go through all types of hoops to post here. Heck, I cannot even post on the Ron Paul websites.
Talking about Ron Paul’s website, I have something to say that irks me. Under no circumstances can we contact anyone at his campaign from that website. Try and find a contact link or an address. Since Ron Paul’s Congressional people have such a thing and so does Ron Paul’s other websites he is in more control of, I must think that once again there is a “mole” inside. Not having a contact link when asking us all for more money than some of us readily have to get the best man there is to represent all of us seems like an oxymoron if you are stopped from contacting anyone there. I wrote to his other websites including his Washington office even though they do not want to get involved with his presidential matters. This, though, is against his 1st Amendment preaching. Hopefully there will be others who contact his Congressional office since maybe he is not aware of it, although I wonder why they have not done anything I can tell as of yet.
Now with that being said, I want to end by making sure you get my thank you for the information. Too bad you do not have a setup to let people know when other comments are put here or at least if and when someone replies to you. Many replies are missed otherwise. If, by the way, it is costly, let us know or me personally. I might be willing to donate towards having such a setup as I am sure others would also. I can guarantee you that if you are looking for more traffic, that will do it. I have run to some degree such places before so I have that much personal experience.
Thank you for filling me in. It is amazing how we learn things that we sometimes think there is not another thing to know.
Hm, I am sure by now you heard about that turncoat Michele Bachmann today, Monday the 27th, officially announcing her candidacy bid. Strange how she was able to get a spot and not be offically a candidate just like when she was allowed in that June 13th “debate” where at that time she UNofficially announced that she was registering the very next day. Worse yet is that Gary Johnson, who was an official candidate, was not allowed there. Strange how his thoughts are similar to Ron Paul’s. Ron Paul would not have been allowed there either if he was not now so well known. You can bet your bottom dollar on that (if the dollar still has any value left to it, that is–hehe).
Tnx again,
Rhonda, as you might know, Ron Paul has very proactive grassroots supporters so the campaign probably hasn’t put up a Contact link because they’ll likely be bombarded with mails from supporters about suggestions & other things, & other than that campaign closely works with ronpaulforums to glean supporter-sentiment anyway so they may have deemed a Contact link a little redundant. But I agree with you, they probably should have a Contact link up there & we’ll try and get the campaign to put a link up as soon as possible.
As for Johnson (& possibly Paul’s) exclusion, the media obviously doesn’t like them because they don’t stand for the corporatist special interests since they support a truly Constitutionally limited government that our Founders had envisioned. You’re welcome to join ronpaulforums to dig deeper into Ron’s & Founding Fathers’ philosophy over government & its role.
I accept everything you say about the contact link at the campaign because you were honest enough, after apparently you have the capacity to think things out, to mention that whatever their reasons might be, they still should have that information there. You have no idea how I have been silenced since I started asking this question during the June 5th Moneybomb realizing that it was not there for a month already after the May 5th Moneybomb. It seems to be a taboo question. Even if they would like the forum place to be the place to say things, it still is not contact with the campaign people. If nothing else, they could give that place the direction to go for comments. Then again, that might not be permissible under the law which in that case, all the more warrants there being a link on the official Ron Paul 2012 website.
So what do you mean when you say “we”? Who is “we”? Are you a major participant in the Ron Paul Forum? I have been involved with everything Ron Paul since he started campaigning back in the beginning of 2007. That means I have been at your forum place also. I am not there now probably because of some registration problem when it was first started or I had problems getting through the way forums are set up. Also there has been one or two of these places that changed its servers a few years ago and what I was registered with, disappeared and I never re-upped.
Finally, as far as the campaign is concerned involving the contact link. Last time around it was obvious that there was a mole in it. but after Liv, the unofficial Ron Paul Girl gave some trouble, it was nothing for me to contact the campaign and offer a secondary thought of me becoming an official Ron Paul Girl. So what about if I wanted to do that this time around? You mean to say that better results were received from a “mole” infested place than now which is suppose to already be being handled more professionally by their own statement?
I will visit the RonPaulForum, but I still would like you to elaborate on what you meant by the term “we”. Thank you.
Happy 4th of July,
Ron Paul is the Godfather of the Tea Party movement and the clear choice for true Constitutional change!