Perry adds anti-groping bill to special session
Breaking News, Liberty Tuesday, June 21st, 2011From:
Gov. Rick Perry announced he had added legislation that would make it illegal for TSA agents to engage in “intrusive touching” at airports security checkpoints without probable cause to the list of items for the legislature to consider during the special session.
The measure had previously failed to muster enough support in the Texas Senate to come up for a vote because the Justice Department wrote a scathing memo against the bill, which threatened legal action against the state, and the measure became enmeshed in Senate politics.
There are questions about what impact the legislation might have since airport security is a federal matter.
Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, who was accused of lobbying against the bill in May said he was “pleased” by Perry’s decision.
“I’m very pleased that Governor Perry agreed to add this legislation to his Special Session call,” Dewhurst said. “Addressing unreasonable and unlawful searches of innocent travelers by some TSA employees is an issue that affects all Texans who use air travel, and it should not wait until next Session.”
Before the Senate took up the bill initially, the Justice Department sent a letter to state advising that passage of the bill would result in immediate legal action by the federal government and that it could result in airline flights to and from Texas being delayed or cancelled.
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About 4 years ago the grassroots Tea Party movement had a big rally in Texas. At that time Glenn Beck took a trip down there and Governor Perry showed up. They both shook hands and then they both took credit for their “genius” in getting the people to be there and be so passionate. Of course that was an absolute lie. Perry swore that Texas was about to use the power of the 10th Amendment and secede from the Union. Has anyone seen him even coming close to trying that?
The only reason he is getting involved with this groping bill is to look good for his presidential run. He was a guest at Bilderberg while a reigning governor, an act against the Logan Act making it illegal for a sitting official to be part of such a meeting and attempting to make policy, especially in secrecy. He lied about many things, so he is therefore lying all through this and should be punished instead of just being looked over.
In my opinion, this injustice is so far over the line of what a free society can accept that if the Feds take action against Texas for passing this, Texas should defend itself militarily if need be. And at such a time, I would consider moving to Texas to enlist.
I have been told the same thing by other loyalists to our freedom (known as true patriots), but the moving claim can be done by anyone because they know that officials such as those in Texas do things like that just for fluff. Even if they passed their bill, does anyone really think that it will be followed? Look how quickly they backed down just a few weeks ago. What about other states who have claimed they will do similar things? Not one state legislature has followed through on such a claim.
Even so, I really believe that there are many like you who are so fed up and so loyal to our liberty being trashed upon as it is, that all you are waiting for is the call and you all would go in an instant. It is that gathering as a mass that the enemy is trying hard to keep from forming and yet those of us who can think know that alone or separate, we have to lose and therefore it is not safe to do anything at this time. 300 million people in this country. Maybe there are at least 5,000 state officials and yet no one seems to be willing to make that first organized move. It is almost scary.
Since these atrocities about Texas T.S.A and Perry were brought out I am sure everyone has heard about what they did to the wheelchair bound 95 year old woman whom they scared enough to soil her adult diaper and the 91 year old WWII veteran who had schrapnel inside of him. They made them both strip to nothing, including his socks, I believe. Perry hindering that bill or the Texas legislature not rushing it through and insisting to the police that they take no “no’s” but rather treat them as they do when they want to harrass their citizens, is criminal since they are allowing criminal actions to not only continue, but get worse.