CIA Hackers Just ‘Schoolboys,’ Security Expert Says
Breaking News, Technology Thursday, June 16th, 2011From:
They might have just brought down the CIA’s website, but the latest group of hackers on the scene are nothing more than “schoolboys.”
That’s the challenge thrown down by the head of technology at Sophos, Paul Ducklin, who claims the anonymous collective Lulz Security have to “grow some moral spine” if they want to be taken seriously.
In the past two weeks, Lulz have launched cyber attacks on Sony, Nintendo, gamers at Eve Online, a company that works for the FBI and the U.S. Senate. They claim their motive to be nothing other than showcasing companies’ online weaknesses “for the Lulz.”
Yesterday, they opened up a hotline and called on the public to suggest their next target.
“Our number literally has anywhere between five and 20 people ringing it every single second,” members of the group said in a Twitter message posted online at @LulzSec.
The hotline number spelled out “LULZSEC” and had an area code in Ohio.
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Unlike Anonymous, LULZSEC has chosen some questionable targets. They brought down game servers, for no reason, other than for the “LULZ”, but these are games that most hackers actually play. It doesn’t make sense to attack the community you belong to. LULZSEC activities seem to coincide amazingly well with the current administrations push for complete control of the internet (the last truly free source of information). Don’t allow these actions to be the factor that allows the government to take over control of the internet.