Ron Paul talks national issues at Maine-ly New Hampshire in Portsmouth
Activism, Breaking News Saturday, June 11th, 2011
PORTSMOUTH — Presidential hopeful Congressman Ron Paul, R-Texas, stood between aisles of candy and New England-themed knickknacks as he greeted guests inside Maine-ly New Hampshire on Friday morning.
Paul wasn’t just visiting to pick up some novelties, however — he spoke of his stance on topics such as federal spending, United States involvement overseas and limiting the federal government.
Kenneth Smith, one of the proprietors of the Deer Street shop, struck up a conversation with the 2012 candidate about where he stood on federal spending within the country versus spending in foreign territories. Smith spoke of a bridge that connects the Port City and neighboring Kittery, Maine, needing serious repairs.
Paul joked with Smith, saying it would be easier to obtain federal funding to build or fix a bridge if it were located in Afghanistan.
“It’s a major economic issue,” said Paul, noting America’s current leaders are choosing to flood finances into military-related conquests as opposed to taking care of what needs fixing within their own country.
“The deficits are unsustainable,” he said.
When offering suggestions as to where he would cut spending first if elected into the oval office, Paul rattled off entities such as the departments of Education, Energy and Agriculture.
Though he claimed there are many places where cutting could take place, Paul said the federal government shouldn’t be subsidizing expenses that come from the aforementioned departments.
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Amen and Hallelujah! Ron Paul 2012!!