AMC will distribute Palin film
Activism, Breaking News Friday, June 10th, 2011By MOLLY BALL,
The Undefeated,” a flattering new documentary about Sarah Palin, has inked a distribution deal with North America’s second-largest movie theater chain for a July 15 release.
AMC Theatres will show “The Undefeated” in markets including Dallas, Denver, Oklahoma City, Orlando, Fla., Atlanta, Orange County, Calif., Phoenix, Houston, Indianapolis and Kansas City, Mo., according to the news release from the production company, Victory Film Group.
To drum up buzz, the filmmakers also plan to take “The Undefeated” to the early-voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina for one-night showings. But the writer-director, Steve Bannon, says the film’s goal is to make money, not get Palin elected to anything. He believes the film’s up-from-obscurity narrative will have wide appeal to nonpolitical people.
Victory Film Group’s co-founder, Glenn Bracken Evans, echoed that sentiment in the news release.
“The documentary is made to be seen on a big screen,” he said. “With its story of a small-town girl who, against all odds, rises to the pinnacles of American government, the film plays with all the drama of a “Rocky” picture, only with a woman as the central figure and with politics instead of boxing.”
The film, which Palin has seen but has no involvement with, casts the former Alaska governor and vice-presidential nominee as the hero and epitome of the tea party movement — an ordinary citizen stirred to action to restore common sense to government.
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I don’t know where they come up with this nonsense. She does not represent me, nor is she a true tea partier. Ron Paul is the true tea party rep.The rest of these people especially Palin are no revolutionies for freedom . She is nothing more than a neocon wannabe, but she is not intelligent enough to be a real neocon.
I fully agree with you. It is an OBAMANATION to go this far and make a movie having Sarah Palin as the Tea Party (movement) darling. It was started in honor of Ron Paul and he is the father of it.
Sarah Palin endorsed Rand Paul for his senate seat. Of course that was to help her get a deeper strangle hold onto the Tea Party name. So she should be honorable and now endorse Ron Paul, the father of the organization she is happily stealing the rights from, maybe worse than that turncoat Michele Bachmann being the acclaimed leader of the Tea Party right in front of Dr. Paul. All this is like putting their middle finger up in the face of Dr. Paul and all us supporters. Therefore Sarah Palin needs to repent and now back (no endorse) Dr. Paul especially since she is not running the office.
Do not worry about what Andy, below, says. He is doing what the enemy has always done although I think he is unaware of it. We are talking Tea Party here, not mixing into the pot international matters with details. His non acceptance of Dr. Paul’s military issue has nothing to do with the theiving and profit making off of the Tea Party name, if not the movement itself that rightfully belongs to Dr. Paul, a symbol of revolt against tyranny.
I can see there is a organized effort for Palin. But will she get us out of the 150 countries we have troops in under our current “peace president?”
I’m a Tea Partier and Palin is as much a representative of the movement as anyone. I like Ron Paul’s domestic/fiscal policies and support them but on foriegn policy he is as niave about the intentions and capacities of those who loath us and he dead wrong on his constitutional analysis regarding the powers of the president to commit US forces. Palin would be an excelllent president. Paul would be an excellent president. Hell. Romney would be an improvement. I’d vote for a lobotimized head of lettuce over Obama!
I beg the differ with you about Palin being as much a representative of the movement as anyone else. At least you still call it a movement and that is where much of the conflict is. Her representation has formed into her being the defacto leader. She, like that beautiful mesmerizing witch, Michele Bachmann, gets right up in front of the father of the movement who it was created in honor for, and claims herself to be the chosen one. The chosen one is Ron Paul. He is the one who is being honored and was honored in thought upon the creation of that day back in 2007.
Sarah Palin endorsed Rand Paul for his senate seat. Ever wonder why? It had nothing to do with Rand’s international view of things especially militarily. It had to do with her showing how close she could get to the son of the father who is known as the symbol or the real leader and representative of the movement. Once that was done, you see how far it is going so far. Now a movie is made of her being the leader?
I implore you to look closer into the matter. The other Republicans you mention would not be better than Obama who is just an extension of the last Republican in charge, Bush. They are all status quo. They are as unAmerican as Obama except Obama was the experiment to see how openly his infiltration could be exposed to the American people and how far it would be taken. That is why he never took the oath of office and then days later laughed at it and messed it up in a private session doing it. He has become the chosen one of deceit exposure. The birth certificate helps to verify that.
Sarah Palin has been ruthlessly attacked by those in the media as has Dr. Paul. That they do have in common, but their views put her into the establishment’s pocket so her representation of the movement as it is being expressed by this article should sink in to you to eventually allow you to see what the system has done to you. Ray, above, has it in better order.
Sarah Palin , more so than any other American politician , is from the working middle class. Let’s face it fellow citizens , we need a drastic complete change to support those folks like Sarah , that the elites of both Parties detest. The middle class needs to run this country , not the political elite , the professional politicians or the silver spoon business/attorney/Harvard indoctrinated nose in the air so called know it alls. They have failed , miserably. We need to empower folks like Palin who buck big oil , big business , the SEIU , the slanted media and the other interest groups that daily exploit us in the middle class. Let the revolution begin with Sarah Palin and this film . Lets destroy the failing Republican and Democrat Parties that have given us so much debt and such a poor quality of living while taxing the crap out us. Jve
In theory about the middle class being what is needed to run this country is correct. Sarah Palin is not as middle class as you think. She is not as loyal as you think. She is not the elite as you say also, but she is just too flighty.
No, you and others want her? Then let her prove herself by doing the correct thing and back Dr. Paul for the position as she did his son Rand which appears to have been done just to get her deeply into the command seat of the Tea Party, both in name and the people. Actually she endorsed Rand Paul which has a stronger meaning to it. She also would get the credibility you believe she has if she were to do something good for a Ron Paul administration, maybe being his vice president.
Do not let her beauty fool you luv. By her not even backing, let alone endorsing Ron Paul says much about her integrity that she herself started otherwise my endorsement statement would hold little meaning. She needs to give Ron Paul credit for being the father of the Tea Party movement. We already know Michele Bachmann will not.