Piers Morgan Asks Ann Coulter if Tea Party is Modern Version of Hitler and Mussolini’s Followers

By Noel Sheppard, NewsBusters.com

Conservative author Ann Coulter stopped by CNN studios Tuesday to discuss her new book “Demonic: How The Liberal Mob Is Endangering America.”

During a somewhat rambling interview, host Piers Morgan asked, “Where is the similar mob to Mussolini’s and Hitler’s in the modern democratic era…Tea Party?” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

PIERS MORGAN, HOST: Where is the similar mob to Mussolini’s and Hitler’s in the modern democratic era?

ANN COULTER: Well, I would say that there are a lot of similarities. The French Revolution.

MORGAN: Tea Party?

COULTER: No. No, no, no.

MORGAN: Nearest thing to it?

COULTER: No, they’re much closer to the original Tea Party, which, and actually not as, not as much of a rabble as the original Tea Party, which as I point out, the Founding Fathers weren’t wild about the original Tea Party curiously enough because they were so against mobs.

To read more, visit:  http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2011/06/08/piers-morgan-asks-ann-coulter-if-tea-party-modern-version-hitler-and-

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11 Comments for “Piers Morgan Asks Ann Coulter if Tea Party is Modern Version of Hitler and Mussolini’s Followers”

  1. Captain Moroni

    I thought we were over the stupid attacks on the Tea Party. Whenever I see such attacks, I KNOW that the elite are running scared.

  2. piers morgan…what a moron!

  3. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but as I remember history, the original tea party was a bunch of guys upset over unfair taxation. The modern Tea Party took that name because mainly a growing number of people are concerned about taxes and spending. But to the average liberal toeing the group-think line, the Tea Party is a bunch of racist rednecks in spook hats. I don’t know how you confuse taxation and spending with racism, but liberals are a perpetually perplexed lot, so maybe it makes sense to them.

    • character assassination is a common tactic used to create fear or another reason for voters to NOT vote for someone. Look what they did to Ron Paul. Because the majority of Americans are easy to sway – it works. Just look at the all negative campaign commercials during every election. I suppose it is easier to convince people who they don’t want rather the convince them who they should want, especially when most politicians are liars, self centered, no integrity type people.

  4. I had the same question yesterday when Coulter was promoting her book on Hannity’s radio show. She said demonic = mob rule = protests in the streets = MLK marches. Unbelievable. I wanted to know, what about the Tea Party, Ann? Oh, she is sympathetic to their message so “demonic” does not apply.

    • “Right to Assemble” = not represent a mob, dear. If you know your history you know that a mob is capable of mob rule as in the NY riots of 1863, the Fr Revolution murderous rounding up of nuns, priests, anyone the mob may have resented.Imy husband & I attended a Tea Party gathering at our state capitol and it was notable for the civility and courtesy shown to everyone. The only rabble rousers I’ve seen recently on TVwere the bullies at the Wisconson Capitol.

  5. I wonder why the left think that labeling and demeaning Tea Partiers time and time again will actually destroy the party. They are downright rude. All their name calling only seeks to draw the ranks in closer. I remember when the first tea party groups were formed Obama’s top men dismissed them as just a bunch of right wing zanies, a flash in the pan, they will never gain power and never last. My how time changes things.

    • The negative comments about tea partiers is to sway the gullible to be against them rather than join them.
      Remember when they associated Ron Paul with the conspiracy theory nuts? It turned off many people to him and he was proven correct on almost every position he held.

  6. Wrong on The Tea Party members all being ‘Rednecks.’ I am a native born American Hispanic. I am a Tea Party supporter. The color of my neck has been red only in the military service to my America, when I was exposed to a blazing sun. Other than that it is slightly army-olive drab – good camo color I must say.

    I am also a Viet Nam Era veteran. I enlisted, not drafted (I am not demeaning draftees service to Our nation just making an observation), at the age of 18 for four years, then honorably discharged. I continued to serve, 21-years, as a reservist until honorably discharged with this endorsement on my discharge paper: ‘In Support of Desert Storm’ after the Persian Gulf War, 1991.

    Second, I have seen African-Americans at the Tea Party gatherings. So, the stereo-typing can cease, the brouhaha about Nazi or Mussolini, or any other moniker is a moot point, because from my perspective neither moniker mentioned applies. There is diversity. Perhaps minor, but present.

    I support the Tea Party because there is an understanding, as I observe, of patriotic American ideology known as freedom, as expressed by the founding authors concerning freedom from oppression by the current, from my observation, destroy America liberal (Marxist) socialist agenda. Are these the sleeper agents in America I once read about in the 1960s?

    Second, I believe, and this may not be yet an understanding by some in the Tea Party. That regardless of party, constituents accept the oath of office that their respective representatives, when they swear to uphold the Constitution of the united states, the civilian version of the soldier’s oath, regardless of bible used, as a binding verbal contract and a figurative handshake (spit in the hand, if you will) to cement the deal.

    My observation is that many politicians, again regardless of party individually and collectively, are perpetrating a horrid dereliction of duty on the American Citizen-Tax Payer.

  7. JackDoitCrawford

    Toddster, it’s like Ayn Rand said about their misrepresentations about her. They don’t believe it but they want you to believe it.

  8. Make no mistake there are some elements of the far right groups that closely approximate the brown and black shirts. In this case the shoe is on the other foot with right wing Zionists and their supporters playing the roles.

    If the German- American Bund had as much power in the late 30′s as the Israel Lobby/AIPAC has today (getting us into the Iraq War and stupidly backing Israel, right or wrong), we all would be gose stepping today.


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