Home » 2012 Elections, Breaking News, Headlines » Howard Dean warns Dems Sarah Palin could beat Obama in 2012

Howard Dean warns Dems Sarah Palin could beat Obama in 2012

By Alexander Bolton, The Hill

Howard Dean, the former Democratic National Committee chairman who helped Democrats capture the White House in 2008, warns that Sarah Palin could defeat President Obama in 2012.

Dean says his fellow Democrats should beware of inside-the-Beltway conventional wisdom that Obama would crush Palin in a general-election contest next year.

“I think she could win,” Dean told The Hill in an interview Friday. “She wouldn’t be my first choice if I were a Republican but I think she could win.”
Dean warns the sluggish economy could have more of a political impact than many Washington strategists and pundits assume.

“Any time you have a contest — particularly when unemployment is as high as it is — nobody gets a walkover,” Dean said. “Whoever the Republicans nominate, including people like Sarah Palin, whom the inside-the-Beltway crowd dismisses — my view is if you get the nomination of a major party, you can win the presidency, I don’t care what people write about you inside the Beltway,” Dean said.

Dean spoke to The Hill the same day the Labor Department revealed the national economy added only 54,000 jobs in May and the national unemployment rate had risen to 9.1 percent.

Last month the private sector created 83,000 jobs, about a third the average for the previous three months.

To read more, visit:  http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/164765-howard-dean-warns-palin-could-beat-obama-in-2012

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Posted by gadsden on Jun 5 2011. Filed under 2012 Elections, Breaking News, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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