A Menu Of Tax Hikes: Parking, Property, And/Or Sodas
Taxes Friday, June 3rd, 2011By: Philadelphia.cbslocal.com
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter is proposing a tax on soda and other sugary drinks as he and City Council continue trying to help bail out the cash-starved Philadelphia school district.
On Thursday, Nutter sent City Council a revival of his soda tax idea that was soundly rejected by the lawmakers last year. This time he proposes two-cents per ounce, to bring in an estimated $80 million a year.
Nutter is also expected to raise rates at parking meters and kiosks to raise an additional $6 million. Council approval of that is not needed.
Also being discussed as part of the School District bailout is a hike in property taxes similar to last year’s nearly 10-percent hike (see related story), which the administration says could bring in $95 million.
Councilman Darrell Clarke is introducing a measure calling for a smaller increase, with provisions to make the school district accountable for how the money is spent.
Council members, by and large, say they are extremely hesitant to agree to another property tax hike, and many also say they are skeptical of enacting a soda tax. The beverage industry successfully lobbied against the idea last year.
To read more, visit: http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2011/06/02/philadelphia-residents-split-on-issue-of-soda-tax/
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