Tea party pushes GOP candidates to right

By Charles Babington -Associated Press, WashingtonTimes.com

In the first presidential election since the tea party’s emergence, Republican candidates are drifting rightward on a range of issues, even though more centrist stands might play well in the 2012 general election.

On energy, taxes, health care and other topics, the top candidates hold positions that are more conservative than those they espoused a few years ago.

The shifts reflect the evolving views of conservative voters, who will play a major role in choosing the Republican nominee. In that sense, the candidates’ repositioning seems savvy or even essential.

But the eventual nominee will face President Obama in the 2012 general election, when independent voters appear likely to be decisive players once again. Those independents may be far less enamored of hard-right positions than are the GOP activists who will wield power in the Iowa caucuses, the New Hampshire primary and other nominating contests.

“The most visible shift in the political landscape” in recent years “is the emergence of a single bloc of across-the-board conservatives,” says the Pew Research Center, which conducts extensive voter surveys. Many of them “take extremely conservative positions on nearly all issues,” Pew reports. They largely “agree with the tea party” and “very strongly disapprove of Barack Obama’s job performance.”

Climate policy is a dramatic example of how GOP presidential hopefuls have shifted to the right in recent years. Former Govs. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts, Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota and Jon Huntsman of Utah, along with other likely candidates, have backed away from earlier embraces of regional “cap-and-trade” programs to reduce greenhouse gas pollution.

To read more, visit:  http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/may/30/tea-party-pushes-gop-candidates-to-right/

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2 Comments for “Tea party pushes GOP candidates to right”

  1. Albert J. Hess

    How do you like Romenycare?

  2. This is just what we need to find out who are the true conservatives and who are the ‘politicians’. We have enough politicians. If you have not been consistant, or have moved your stances around to fit what you think The People want to hear, then you are a phoney and and need to go away before the country tars and feathers you and rides you out on a rail.

    Question… Who does that leave on the ticket? Because you need to know who, then you need to support them at all costs. This is the 11th hour folks.


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