Federal government guilty of hurting housing market by guaranteeing mortgages, inflating home values
Finance Tuesday, May 31st, 2011By: PETER SIRIS, nydailynews.com
When you search for the causes of the financial meltdown and the following recession, look no further than Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored mortgage entities.
The government will make money on its bailout of the banks and may even break even on the auto industry, but according to Gene Epstein, the economics columnist for Barron’s, the housing market has already cost taxpayers $164 billion, and the tab seems likely to climb.
Epstein, who calls it “a failure of crapitalism,” makes a quite simple point. When the government guarantees, or seems to guarantee, losses, the “behavior of private actors gets fatally distorted,” says Epstein.
Mortgage firms and banks, as well as individual homeowners, take undue risks, knowing the taxpayer will stand behind their mistakes. If they are right, they make a big profit. If they are wrong, we will bail them all out. This is, in Epstein’s words, “Heads I win, tails you lose.”
It seems logical to think that government should not be underwriting everyone’s mortgages, but since the financial meltdown, things have actually gotten worse, not better. With banks nervous about lending and with tens of millions of homeowners underwater, more than 90% of all mortgages are being guaranteed by the government – and that means by you and me.
Further, in the past Fannie and Freddie were only quasi-government agencies. But now that we have bailed them out they are actually part of the government – which means that we, the taxpayers, are financing more than 90% of all mortgages and covering the losses of anyone who is underwater.
To read more, visit: http://www.nydailynews.com/money/2011/05/31/2011-05-31_federal_government_guilty_of_hurting_housing_market_by_guaranteeing_mortgages_in.html
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