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Sarah Palin readies bus tour amid 2012 speculation

By Dan Balz, WashingtonPost.com

Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin (R), who has been largely out of the public eye through much of the spring, will reemerge Sunday as she begins a national bus tour that will put her back in the spotlight and no doubt renew speculation about a possible presidential bid.

The tour, the first of what will be a series of such journeys over a period of weeks, will start on Sunday in Washington at the annual Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally and work its way north along the East Coast. She will visit other parts of the country later, stopping at symbolically important sites in the nation’s history.

Palin advisers declined to provide additional details of the itinerary, but the trip will include a stop in New Hampshire. They also would not engage questions about whether the tour is a precursor to a presidential campaign. Asked the purpose of the trip, Tim Crawford, the treasurer of Palin’s PAC, said, “Because she wants to see how this nation was built and get fired up about that.”

On her Web site, Palin wrote: “I’ve said many times that America doesn’t need a ‘fundamental transformation,’ instead we need a restoration of all that is good and strong and free in America! So, together let’s prepare ourselves for the days ahead by reminding ourselves who we are and what Americans stand for.”

Up to now, most Republican strategists have assumed that Palin, the Republican vice presidential nominee in 2008, would not seek the presidency in 2012. Many still doubt she will. At a time when the GOP nomination battle has moved into a new phase, Palin has been mostly absent from the scene. She is also weaker politically than she was at the start of the year.

She has made no trips this year to Iowa, New Hampshire or South Carolina, the three most important early states on the nomination calendar. She also is not said to be reaching out to potential fundraisers or to grass-roots activists.

To read more, visit:  http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/palin-readies-east-coast-tour-amid-presidential-speculation/2011/05/26/AGGhZ5BH_story.html

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Posted by gadsden on May 27 2011. Filed under 2012 Elections, Breaking News, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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