Michigan State Police reply to ACLU about cell phone data extraction devices
Liberty Thursday, April 28th, 2011By Ms. Smith, NetworkWorld
The Michigan State Police do not seem to appreciate the publicity raining down on it over Fourth Amendment rights and its use of Universal Forensic Extraction Devices (UFED) which can extract data off 95% of cell phones on the market. The ACLU was quoted a half million dollars as the cost of documents associated with a FOIA request. I reported on it last week as State Police can suck data out of cell phones in under two minutes.
I asked the ACLU of Michigan if it had a reply to the MSP saying it had worked with the ACLU “to narrow the focus and reduce the cost?” I also asked the ACLU about its reaction to the MSP saying, “the implication that the MSP is using the devices to ‘quietly to bypass Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches’ is untrue and harmful to police and community relations?” ACLU of Michigan staff attorney Mark Fancher responded:
In 2008, when we heard claims that MSP had these devices, we filed our first FOIA request to confirm or disprove this allegation. After many months and after much effort by the ACLU of Michigan, MSP at last produced documents that confirmed that they had the devices. In response to a follow-up request for documents that would provide information about actual use, they conditioned production of the documents on the payment of more than $500,000.
To read more, visit: http://www.networkworld.com/community/blog/michigan-state-police-reply-aclu-about-cell-p?t51hb&hpg1=mp
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